Location: Human Village [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] “...able bodied men?” Giles frowned at the words, taking a look around his living room. No one here was particularly able bodied. Sure, they were living and surviving but…the only truly able bodied one here, in his opinion, was Julene. No one else would dare to take a step outside and fight those creatures. He unconsciously grit his teeth as the three vampires convened, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by a scream. “Giles! Theres-monster-hah-beastmen in the basement tunnels!” A child had run up from the basement, clothes stained in blood, panting heavily. The entire room went silent. “Barricade it.” “But-but dad-” “Barricade it. [i]now[/i].” The other residents hesitated for only a moment as they’d start trying to find anything to barricade the door to the basement with…and though he had given the order, each vampire present would see Giles just briefly glancing towards the three of them. Location: Forest of Beasts [@Click This] [hr] The leaping creature howled, missing Giselle by a hairs breadth, but before it could react again the tarnished silver of the holy blade impaled itself in its back sending the beast into a fit of pain as the wound burned as it was pulled from the wound, causing it to roll around on the ground in pain, howling all the while but it was not quite dead yet. The next creature that was engaging was the one that had retreated into the tree, leaping from it and gliding towards Giselle from above. The slash tore into its gnarled talons, but its momentum carried it forwards still as it made an effort to land on her, its wings trying to wrap around her head. The gorebat, understandably annoyed by this thing attacking her perch, leaped onto the things head, immediately sinking her own fangs into its neck. The thing shrieked, losing its grip as in mere seconds the thing had lost half of its blood. The gorebat saved her from that particular one, but three hounds, and one of the antlered wolf deer things had quickly made their way towards her, one of the hounds going for her ankles while the deer made to charge her, aiming to gore her with its horns. Location: Human Village, River [@Pyromania99] [hr] Julene could only watch, in mild awe, as Akyasha merely started…brawling with the undead. The skeletal undead being quickly dispatched as any of her bolts would have. She furrowed her brow, watching the scene as the woman made a mess of her plan. The undead were now entirely focused on her. She needed them to - “Oi, what the hell are you?” She’d ask. “There ain’t no weapons or anything here you dummy! This is a trap i had set up for those briny bastards.” She’d respond with a disapproving grunt. “And no human can just punch something like that. You and I are gonna have questions after this, redhead, or your head is gonna come clean off your shoulders. For now, lass,” She’d load up another bolt. “Get your ass outta here before I bow it up with the rest of those undead!” By the door, just inside of it, was a barrel leaking what was ostensibly oil. The rest of the interior of the house was completely empty, nothing but a charred husk as it were. The plan was rather obvious and simple really and anyone could probably put two and two together. Draw the undead and beasts here, then blow them up and watch them burn. Dispatch the rest once the majority had been dealt with. Location: Pirates End [@crimson Paladin] [hr] The skeletal creature hissed as its ribcage was shattered, being easily tossed into the crowd of quickly growing of those drowned and dead at sea. The others engaged may be undead, but they were still nothing more than skeletal minions. Against a human they may have proven dangerous, but their former captain? His blade easily severed skull from neck, but even so the sheer number that was starting to creep up from the sea was becoming concerning. “Glad to see your skills are still sharp.” Likewise, Cynthia was having little trouble dispatching the skeletal creatures. Moving with what can only be supernatural grace she’d use her spear to elegantly dispatch the creatures as though she was merely dancing with them. A low spin, severing legs followed by quickly shoving her heel into one of the creatures jawbones with just as amazing flexibility, somehow, while not once getting a drop of water from the roiling sea below on her. “But I fear fighting all of these is beyond us currently.” As if on cue, the water below them began churning more, rocking the platform they were on just as the sodden, rotten planks below them began to creak and grown, as [i]something[/i] slammed into it below. “Make a path! Head towards the mast hanging from the far cliffside!” Cynthia shouted. It wouldn’t be hard to spot. In the distance, a mast with a tattered sail hanging from it had somehow been impaled into a cliffside some distance to the north. The only path was through more water logged and rotten planks and skeletal creatures that were eagerly convening on the both of them. One, hefting an anchor swung it somewhat clumsily towards Argus, but it was soon followed by two more, one trying to charge with a cutlass to decapitate while the other approached from the side.