[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221223/7e967d2870d85ea57de83a9fa695817c.png[/img] [indent]Adventure is waiting for you across Paldea with dreams of becoming the next Champion, joined by both new and old friends. What path you take to becoming Champion is up to you and the only thing in your way is you. [hr] What I'm looking for is someone to play a trainer who wants to become Champion. I'll be playing a few companions who are tagging along, with stories intertwining. I also want a partner who is okay with doubling, as I think it would be more fun to have a vibrant cast of characters other than just our main ones. I have a few characters in mind for rivals and whatnot, that I think would be fun to have along the way. It's a pretty open-ended adventure. So, if you're a casual writer who is into Pokémon, this might be for you! [/indent]