[center][img]https://i0.wp.com/www.supermanhomepage.com/clickandbuilds/SupermanHomepage/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/PresidentLex-PublicEnemies.jpg?resize=1024%2C512&ssl=1[/img][/center] [center][i]"My fellow Americans, today is a hard day. Four years ago, to this day. An alien by the name of Despero attacked the headquarters of the Justice League, right here. In our nation's capital. When the dust settled, and the [b]heroes[/b] went home to lick their wounds we, the people, were left to once again to tidy up the mess of the Superman and the so called superheroes. In my tenure as CEO of LexCorp I did all I could to help restore the Metro-area to what it once was, and as President I have spent my time trying to limit the access, abilities and destruction caused by the meta-human. In these troubling times it is more important than ever to look out and care for one another and just know that we are here for you, the people and are doing [b]everything[/b] possible to make this world, a safer place.-[/i][/center] [center][img]https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1061766340/vector/cartoon-static-electric-interference-light-pattern-background.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=IyYDwmmDnd7LKGMGKWETvC5bHnlfbnF4jgy6ADcaYNE=[/img] [i]"-Officials have warned that while there will be an unusually high number of meteorites visible to the naked eye this year that many of the objects are such a size that they will burn up harmlessly in the upper atmosphere. Certain internet micro-communities claim that this is some form of alien ruse however I can assure you that the finest expertise in their fields have assured us that there is no risk however we can all look forward to experiencing one of the finest meteor showers Earth has ever experienced. This is a once in a Generation event-"[/i][/center] [hr] It had been a wonderful trip to the countryside in Colorado. A real escape from the city, somewhere where the three of them could be together in nature and just [i]breathe[/i]. There was no rush for anything, no chaos, no superheroes doing battle with the latest villain of the week. It was just Jack, Daniel, and Samantha having the time of their life. They had spent their day walking before Jack had suggested they head back to the car to try and find a good spot to set up camp. They hadn't driven for very long when they came across a clearing that looked out towards Cheyenne mountain. Setting up camp they built the three tents, got the fire going, sat down to eat, and then went to bed. It was the perfect day, until Daniel started to dream. He couldn't remember screaming and groaning in his sleep as his friends woke up, the sweat clinging to his skin. his friends in their night-clothes sat crouched in the opening to the tent with looks of concern on their face. [i]"Pain. He's in Pain."[/i]