[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/3c1badf8c79345e42262edcb8df3f844.png[/img] [sub][color=gray]The First Chapter! A New World?[/color][/sub] [hr][/center] [indent]The Angel looked back at her clipboard, running her fingers down the list of information making ‘hm’ sounds every few seconds until she reached the information she was looking for and tapped it with her right hand’s pointing finger. [color=EF2F3F]“The Battle of the Addan Fields.”[/color] She stated calmly, [color=EF2F3F]“A skirmish between the Kingdom of Siilmera and the Raaldanian Empire. Looks like Alexisa was part of some defensive effort that failed. Don’t have much more information on it.”[/color] Information gathering on an entire world was difficult, but it really should’ve been something the people down in intel should’ve finished researching. She sighed, annoyed that she was left mostly empty handed again. Still, there should’ve been more than enough information to give Mako to get her started. At least she had finally composed herself to stand up and prepare for what was ahead. That was good. A past case sat in shock about their situation for two in-world hours. She had to get coffee between. [color=EF2F3F]“Guess you’ll have to fake it ‘til you make it.”[/color] She glanced around, [color=EF2F3F]“Or find out what kind of info you can gather here. Most of the bodies here are wearing your girl’s banner. If I had to guess? They were outnumbered or flanked.”[/color] [/indent]