Thank God no one settled for the small town, Audrey had enough of small towns to last a lifetime. Going to an amusement park sounded like a great time. Lots of people, great food, tons of rides, loads of activities and the latter. She noticed Bai had camouflaged the truck giving it a new paint job and an interesting sign with a kitten on it "well at least it won't draw any attention" she said. Bai was still a mystery to her. Everyone else checked out, Vincent, Thullie, and Eli seemed as close to normal as the definition would allow, but she couldn't really make heads or tails of Bai. It didn't bother her too much, she was apart of this ragtag group like everyone else and that meant she was family. She put her book down and stretched out her legs and stretched her arms as far as they would go. "Don't worry Thullie, we'll make sure you get as much as you can handle" she mentioned. Thullie was a fairly new addition to the band of merry runaways.....well...they were all new. "Hey, you think they'll have funnel cake there?" She asked.