Name: Arthur Reginald Firestorm Age: 21 Likes: Parties, women, socializing and hunting. Dislikes: Beasts, insects, Vampires and dragons. Personalities: Cold, dark, sometimes caring for people who are worth it. Species/Race: Part Human and Part mutant. Education: College of Windswept Mire. Occupation: Former Prince and Now Hunter Affiliation: College of Windswept Mire Weapons: Silver Sword and Steel Sword, A silver and steel dagger, Crossbow + Bolts and Bow and Arrows. Armor: Just wears regular royal clothes. Abilities: Can bend fire, water, ice and thunder. Used wind to keep enemies away. Can imbue his weapon with elements to do damage. He can manipulate peoples mind and use telekinesis to control them. His mind control can be used within an area and within some distance. Crush: None, though Arthur was originally betrothed to a daughter of his father's friend, but walked out on her, as their gift was almost forced on him. Bio: Arthur was born of Royalty. He was the youngest member of the Royal Family at 14 years old. He has two sisters both being twins, and a brother who were all older than him. Arthur was loved by his family and his people. One thing was for certain, he was clever. His father, the King decided that he should be the heir. Everyone within the court agreed, so did his older sibling. Somehow, Arthur didn't like the idea and interjected with a valid argument, but his mother's cold words pierced right through them. The day after the announcement, the king's guests arrived too meet with Arthur so they can officially betroth the daughter of a noble vampire and Prince Arthur. Arthur attended this worthless event. He didn't want to be involved with vampires and be a son in law to one either. Arthur at this time knew bits of magic, so he decided to incinerate his fiancé to be. The lightning spell bounced off the female and right back at him. He lifted his arm to protect himself, but he felt the pain as his arm was toasted. Blood fell from his arm and stank like it was rotting. He was betrothed this instant. His sister rushed over and took him away to heal his arm. The process took 3 days until his arm was fully healed. His parents arranged a secret meeting with their noble friends. It was then decided that the vampiric family take Arthur in, just to get used to them and to adapt. One of the knights informed Arthur, and he agreed, but had a plan to disobey his father's wishes. He knew if he did, he will not be welcomed back. His title will be stripped. He didn't really care, as his life was planned, but never by him and it was his decision to take his life back! A week later, he moved in with the Vampire Family. They welcomed him with open arms. He showed no emotion or even feelings. His fiancé rushed to his side and leaned on him. She was happy and content with a human. She was also happy as her dream was fulfilled. His fiancé's emotions disgusted him. Deep down he harboured a hatred for the vampires. His fiancé showed him around the house. As they got to the lab, there was a mutated potion, which caught his eye, so, he took it without her knowing. After being showed around the house, he retired to his room for the day, to prepare his escape. 2 nights later, his fiancé walked into his room. Her eyes glowed red. The moon emitted a red aura. It looked sinister and now the night has come for this cursed gift to be passed on to him forcefully. He quickly showed the mutated potion and to his fiancé's horror he drank the potion. Nothing happened. His fiancé shed a tear as the potion was not ready. She knew he would turn himself into a monster. The symptoms will show later. She just stood there, motionless, unable to move, or speak. He gathered his things and stole a horse from the family and headed for the woods, never to be seen again. Whilst in the woods, he began vomiting, his eyes turned red and his hair silver. Pain spread throughout his body, causing his muscles to be defined and gained monstrous amount of strength. This made him so ill, he was unable to move, but was conscious A man from a local college found him and took him in. The man knew who he was and explained that his father has now titled him outcast. His ties to his family was cut, and no longer was a prince. The man promised to look after him and teach him how to defend himself by the use of magic and swordsman ship. It took him 6 years to master his abilities. He was gifted a set of weaponry, some light draconic armour and some fancy royal clothing. He was also offered the title of teacher, but declined as he had no patience to teach. The college became his home now as he had no home to go to. He left the college to pursue his career as a hunter, he stopped at his kingdom one day to get supplies. He noticed that his father was nowhere to be seen, but saw one of his sisters, crowned Queen. He asked the guards about the king, but was sadly told he passed away. The Guards immediately recognised Arthur bought him to the his sister, the new Queen. Arthur and his sister exchanged a few words. Arthur was blamed for the death of his father, which he had no part in. When he argued that he didn't want to be the heir in the past, he was cut off by his own mother who told him, if he didn't disappear on his ex, then he would have the strength of the vampires. His mother also stated that he ruined his future wasn't allowed to be bought back into the family. He was fine with it and left the kingdom after seeing his family, never to return again. [img][/img]