[CENTER][h1][color=#BCB0B4]KEMURIKAGE AKEMI 煙影 明美[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [hr][right][color=gray][color=BCB0B4]Location[/color] — Ishin Academy Gates [color=BCB0B4]Interacting[/color] — [@Yankee][/color][/right][hr] [indent][color=BCB0B4]"Always do."[/color] The purple haired girl who had interrupted her morning ritual disappeared just as quickly as she had arrived, leaving Akemi to continue to drown her woes in puff after puff of nicotine infused carbon. Or, what little happened to remain of it. She had done well in achieving her initial goal—she had emptied her pack, and the embers had burned away most of the final remaining cigarette between her lips. It would only be a few more drags before it was all filter, and she would have no further excuse to avoid wandering into the assembly hall to await the dreary finality of her fate. Part of her, a large part, wanted to try and stretch out those final few draws, so that she might continue to gaze vacantly at the sky and enjoy the chilly morning. But that wouldn't help any. She'd just end up with a worse seat for the assembly, and she had a feeling it was going to be a long, boring one at that. So she inhaled, deep and long, letting the air fan the flames ever greater, until there was little left but a stub. As she held it, she crushed the tip of her final reprieve against her shoe, and tossed it into the makeshift ashtray with the others. A flick of her wrist sent the cloud drifting across the way, and once it arrived at the ramen-filled trash can it finally found release, dispersing into ephemeral wisps that left the butts to fall down, out of sight and out of mind. She exhaled a similarly short lived stream of puffy white smoke as she walked away, hands tucked into her pockets and feet aiming for the front gate. Most of the students she had spied during her little smoke break had disappeared, the stream of students beginning to slow to a trickle as the time for their reckoning inevitably approached. That wasn't to say everybody had gone, though. There were a few stragglers, herself among them, loitering about without anyone to keep them company. By chance, one of them happened to be right in her route, and so she decided to give a go at a little socialization. [color=BCB0B4]"What's the matter, handsome? You lookin' for directions?"[/color] She asked on her approach, a tired little grin tugging on the corner of her mouth as she did, [color=BCB0B4]"I'm not the best at givin' them, but I think I can manage to show you the way. If you ask nice."[/color][/indent]