[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/3c1badf8c79345e42262edcb8df3f844.png[/img] [sub][color=gray]The First Chapter! A New World?[/color][/sub] [hr][/center] [indent][quote=Journal Entry: 17th of Ard, 1652 CE]We've been assigned to investigate and push back any presence of the empire in the south. Given what happened in Tektcha everyone is on edge. But we are not afraid. I'm not afraid. I won't be afraid.[/quote] [quote=Journal Entry: 3rd of Xemos, 1652 CE]Lots of bad omens recently. Iavan seems nervous. He’s only fourteen and he is [i]my[/i] squire but I’ve never really been good at lifting people up.[/quote] [quote=Journal Entry: 7th of Xemos, 1652 CE]We've set up on the Fields of Addan, about a few hours south of a small fishing village. By the gods, I hope this can stop them from tormenting others further. I refuse to allow them to get away with the horrors I've seen them do.[/quote] A journal. Alexisa’s handwriting dotted the pages with occasional tick marks before a smooth penmanship filled the pages. The language was neither English nor Japanese, but the characters were familiar. It didn’t take long for Mako’s brain (or was it Alexisa’s?) to translate the symbols quickly as entry-to-entry spoke of Alexisa’s thoughts on any given day. As far as Mako could tell, the Siilmeraian spoke of many things including personal prayers as well as introspective comments on what she saw. There were even two pages where Alexisa apparently was workshopping recipes. It was a scattered assortment of thoughts, for sure. It was useful enough to get a sense of who Alexisa was at least, though there was only so much a few entries could do in that regard. It was a small booklet and many pages had yet to be used, so it only went back a few months. But it was still better than nothing. [/indent]