"I'm disappointed in you," said Fengye. "You had so many weapons. So many opportunities. So many openings. And yet you chose to fight disarmed." She conceals her mouth behind her half-open fan. Concealment is control, a mask that keeps her true expression from being known. Such a slender one, in this moment. "I gave you gifts of beauty. Of seduction. The ability to sense needs and desires. All that power you had is still there, lit by the fires of different stars. And still you cling to the light of Mars? You are right where you should be, and so is your opponent. Victory is yours and all that stands in your way is your pride." She leaned down alongside the Maid and ran a finger along her still-wet cheek. "If you will not seize it, though, so be it. After all, one way or another your pride is about to be broken." [Entice: 9]