[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 9:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hider=Memories, memories] Matt now ONLY remembers his life as an agent of MI13, tasked with capturing a horrific and elusive serial killer. Cass now ONLY remembers her life as an agent of SWORD, the mutant adopted daughter of Director Hayward, raised to be a weapon. Oliver now ONLY remembers his life as a brutal serial killer, whose parents' death at a young age resulted in him being placed in foster care, where his cruelty unfortunately flourished. His lover and partner in crime, Niah, is perhaps the only person in the world besides himself who he believes to be real - to truly matter. Flynn now ONLY remembers his life on Genosha as the son of its founder, Magneto. The leader of its deadly X-Men, he loathes humans almost as much as the world hates and fears mutants. Luminous no longer remembers her life on Earth-666. She only remembers Earth-257. [/hider] The tides were finally beginning to change in the battle against the seemingly never ending Doombots. Niah and Amelia's strategy had sucked about half of the several thousand units into the heart of a sun, the host of Asgard continued to fight, and Bonnie's shield with the face of Medusa was turning Doombots into stone, magically passing that condition along to the replicated units. Unseen to most, the Valkyries were collecting the fallen Asgardian dead. The palace doors were holding - for now. And Luminous, Doom's closest ally, had turned. With each swing of her shield, Bonnie turned more of the robots into stone - some of them falling from the sky, crushed into pebbles at the ground. More stone robots then appeared, and it reminded her of the stone statues in Narnia under the reign of the White Witch. By her quick estimation, only two hundred or so remained. The host of Asgard had gotten skilled at disabling but not destroying - and somehow, in an event that boggled the mind, Bonnie noticed that Niah had a portal. Bonnie rushed up to her dear friend. [color=f6989d]"I don't suppose you're going to share where you got [i]that[/i] from?"[/color] she asked. Her hair was going in all directions in the violent wind that Amelia was stirring up. Despite being the one inhabiting a god, Amelia truly reminded Bonnie of a goddess, as Amelia soared on the winds. She sent dozens of Doombots spiraling at a time through the portal, and the Host of Asgard caught on, now herding the Doombots in that direction. [color=FFB795]"I don't understand it either, ya cunt,"[/color] Amelia said cheerfully. [color=FFB795]"But I'm not complaining - works fucking well!"[/color] She startled though, hearing Niah cry out Oliver's name - and Amelia swung her head around. She could see Oliver by the palace doors, but he... he was on the ground, unconscious? And Matt and Maria were fighting? [color=FFB795]"Go help your man, I've got this here!"[/color] Amelia urged Niah. [color=FFB795]"Or, erm, Bonnie go ahead and do it - I've got to keep blowing these suckers."[/color] Niah didn't have a leg to stand on at the moment, after all. Bonnie hesitated. But she felt that Niah would have done it for her, so she took off at a sprint towards the palace entrance. Meanwhile, the group fighting Doom was having some issues - namely, Cass announcing they were all under arrest. Cass had thrown Doom into a pile of Doombots, missing Flynn by accident. The Doombots looked identical to Doom as well, and they were all programmed with his voice and mannerisms [i](on Earth-666, the Fantastic Four had often thought they were facing Doom, only to realize it was a robot. It was rather annoying).[/i] This meant that, given that the Doombots Doom had crashed into also fell down, they looked all practically the same. [color=d86615]"You can't just shout that you're arresting us for being enemies of the Iron, that's now how things work - and you don't have any jurisdiction here, this is New Asgard,"[/color] Raynor shot back at Cass. He was rather irritated - mostly because his body was aching from repeated abuse, but also because Cass' memory trouble was happening at the worst possible time. He wanted this to be smooth and easy - he didn't want to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts all at once. [color=d86615]"Shit, which one of these shitbags is the real Doom?"[/color] Raynor then asked, staring at the wall of Doombots. All of them said in unison - "I AM DOOM!" [color=d86615]"Well that's helpful..."[/color] Destiny had said they'd need Doom's help, for some reason, to return home. Basically, they couldn't kill Doom. And if they tried to kill Doom and it was a robot, the robot would just duplicate. Another issue - all of these robots really did believe that they were Doom. All of them were telling the truth. [color=d86615]"None of them are lying, either."[/color] And lastly, over by the entrance to the palace, its doors still shut... Luminous wasn't following what was going on at all - these people seemed to be [i]insane[/i]. They kept randomly turning on each other. "Stop it!" Luminous shouted, her eyes blaring blue-silver for a moment, as she reached out with her magics and paralyzed Matt and Maria in place (of course, Matt had already paralyzed Maria, but y'know). Oliver would shortly stir and wake up again. "Now, you are all going to explain to me right now what is going on, how I got here, and what [i]it[/i] is that happened to me!" Luminous demanded, fury blazing in her eyes. Behind her, there was a gigantic [i]BOOM[/i] as the palace door fell, hitting the ground. A Doombot - the real Doctor Doom, in fact - stood triumphant. "Your spells have failed, witch," he taunted. "Doom is triumphant!" He then flew inside the palace, and was soon out of sight. Bonnie made it to where Luminous, Matt, Maria, and Oliver were a second later. Instantly, she had her shield at the ready. [color=f6989d]"Stand down, Luminous... And let my friends go,"[/color] Bonnie warned. A spear materialized in her hand. Athena must've known she needed a more long range weapon.