slamming a little claim so i don't noodle on people's toes i'm too tired to actually do so you gotta put up with sleep starved ramblings until i get a character sheet empress, the most based tarot card character's looking to be the team mom who was put through the wringer because she looked after all of her siblings (a lot). A big ol' good noodle. [url=]persona 1 is kolga, literally cool wave (or cool one, poetic term for wave) and one of ran&aegir's daughters.[/url] [s]the alternative would be the iceberg that hit the titanic, but that didn't have a name[/s] [url=]persona 2 is ran, the norse goddess/embodiment of the ocean.[/url] unlike aegir's personification of the benefits of the ocean, ran liked to throw nets at sailors and pull them down into the depths. some people would call this an epic prank. there is a large amount of character development that happen between these two. ocean gods do, unfortunately, seem pretty passe already, i would have the rhinemaidens as number 1 and it ultimate-forming into something else from ring, but ring stuck to the normal, non-water related pantheon. frigg is close, but not exactly what i want to go for. maybe basilea into something. i don't actually think the two need to be linked beyond my desire to connect things, so it'll probably be basilea (atlantis baby; it counts) into ran.. i should probably sleep on it more.