[quote=@Hillan] I on the other hand just compleley missed there was a thread. Red Arrow sheet coming up. I'm gonna need to talk to [@PatientBean] about joint custody of Mister Queen. There sure are a lot of legacies running around here so I figure it's apt to bring out my favorite Roy Harper quote: [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1054917118589685841/1057399871243563008/image.png[/img] [/quote] [Img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/UnpDGyX9lU0fK/giphy.gif?cid=82a1493bhf4gyr8s4lu8cfrm5blb9hmtsgd85f9vx8u22yuu&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]