Jocasta cleared her throat with embarssment. The idea of studying ancient magics seemed alot less problematic when one wasn't trapped in an ancient web of necromantic spells. It had to be admitted though, that despite their predicament, she was fascinated by the crumbling stonework around them. Her eyes tried to memorize every frieze and inscription she passed. "I studied," she admitted carefully, "at the College of Magic in Andred." It was a crime to suggest you were a student at the Mythrim if you weren't offically on the student roles. Students had ancient rights included in the university charter, immunity from civil prosecution, immunity from pole tax, liscence to possess certain illicit texts and artifacts which would have been illegal for the lay man. Such rights were valuable enough that interlopes often pretended, and usually to their peril as none were more zealous in rooting out imposters than the College Provosts. Jocasta had endured her shares of run ins with them herself, though she was cunning enough and lucky enough to avoid being caught in her occasional lapses. "They have some tomes on the history of the North. Vague rumors really of the Pale King and his seven Lost Knights. Stories about the Tower of a Thousand Teeth, the Circle of Twelve, the Pillars of Can Berath," she explained, her voice taking on the dreamy quality that it always did when recounting the old tales. "The more I looked into it though the more I discovered that they didn't really know anything beyond folk tales. Even the magic they used up here is all but unknown. I found bits and pieces in ancient tomes and a surprising amount in the confessions of various hedgewitches but its pretty clear that no one has ever really studied it," she went on. "I thought I'd be the first, who knows, maybe make my name and my fortune while I'm at it," she added with a giggle.