[hider=Iskren Tsvetkov][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/40/6c/21/406c21ac2ff418de7e94fbbda9feb54a.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][i]character info[/i] [b][color=silver]Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Iskren Tsvetkov[/indent] [b][color=silver]Arcana:[/color][/b] [indent]Hope[/indent] [b][color=silver]Birthday: [/color][/b] [indent] August 20 [/indent] [b][color=silver]Appearance: [/color][/b] [indent] Standing at 5'9 and having an average build. Not fat or fit, but can do physical labor or sports if needed. Iskren has short black hair and green eyes. Other than the fact that his change to the school uniform is wearing an open red jacket over it when it is cold and a necklace that he wears all the time. There is little that makes him stand out among the others in the school. [/indent] [b][color=silver]Reputation:[/color][/b] [indent] Who? That is how Iskren is talked about most of the time. He is a person that tends to fade into the background and not really make himself known to others. Sure others might have seen his face and sometimes talk to him. For the most part, no one really knows anything about him, and neither has he made any friends yet at the school.[/indent] [b][color=silver]Background:[/color][/b] [indent] Iskren was born in Sliven, Bulgaria, to a wealthy family. Though, unlike his relatives, his parents were more down to earth and did not flaunt their wealth to others. Living humbly, and rarely did his parents have their relatives over or visit them. He did not understand this but regardless. For the first eight years of his life, life was good. Then came the accident when the family was in a car accident, and only Iskren survived. Saddened and distraught after the death of his parents, he came into the custody of one of his relatives. Radul, his father's brother, and it was then that Iskren realized why his parents rarely wanted to meet with their relatives. While his parents were humble and friendly, Radul and his family were not. The opposite, in fact, were particularly hard on the young boy. Iskren would develop depression and become slightly pessimistic and would keep it a secret from his family since they would just make fun of him if he said or showed anything. Still, he was cared for barely, and Radul wanted to keep the image of his family intact. So he sent Iskren to Harbour Academy as a status symbol and so he did not have to deal with Iskren. So now Iskren patiently waits for when he turns eighteen, for that is when he inherits his father and mother's wealth. Thus, freeing him from Radul and the rest of his relatives so he can have a better life. So he hopes and is just trying to avoid trouble for now.[/indent] [b][color=silver]Misc. :[/color][/b] [indent] Despite not living on the coast or near the water until going to Harbour Academy. He has a love for seafood. Despite his depression and sight pessimism, he still can see the good in life and hopes that he will have a better life someday. Also did not want to go to Harbour Academy in the first place, his uncle forced him to go. Does not like to talk about his family. He does want to make friends, but it is hard for him due to his depression and low self-confidence.[/indent] [hr][i]persona info[/i] [b][color=silver]Weapon:[/color][/b] [indent]Metal Pool Cue[/indent] [b][color=silver]Persona: [/color][/b] [indent][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/70/e6/2e70e663f5fe5be33a4e2606fe3653cb--fantasy-images-fantasy-art.jpg]Elpis[/url] The spirit of hope, she represents the hope that dwells on all humans. That even in the darkest times, there is still hope for a bright dawn and a better future. The only thing that still remains in Pandora's box and in human hearts even when things are at their lowest.[/indent] [b][color=silver]Moveset: [/color][/b] [indent] Mainly has support abilities that focus on buffs, cleanses, and healing. But also has bless and curse abilities for offense. [/indent][/hider]