[CENTER][h1][color=00746b][u]Skobeloff[/u][/color][/h1][/CENTER] When Fogdance released Skobeloff, the rawscale drake did not immediately end his charade. Instead, he lay still and continued to act incapacitated. Now that Fogdance had returned from her Shadowself, Skobeloff became consumed by concern. The mindset Fogdance needed to return was built on trickery and deceit. If Skobeloff revealed that, what if doing so caused the foundations supporting that mindset to crumble? All the work leading up to this moment would be undone! But at the same time, Skobeloff knew he couldn't keep lying on the floor forever. And so he wracked his brain for a way to drop the act without running the risk of bringing Fogdance to the conclusion that she had it right the first time because no one had actually been harmed. [hider=OOC] Skobeloff studies Fogdance. He rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24742]12[/url] and learns the answers to the following questions: - How could I get you to realize that I'm alright without undoing all the work I've done? - What could I learn from you? [/hider]