[b][i]Mikael Peacemaker[/i][/b] Mikael got a live feed from an amateur blogger who had accepted his offer, and was eavesdropping close to where Remy and Mysterious Guy were talking about their powers. And Mikael was pleased to know that Remy's powers worked by touching the target... Which meant that he can deflect said powers with his passive 'Power Deflection'. It seemed that if he can get the other kid trained, he might change his mind about recruiting 'The Rat', especially as he had received word that Flip had been sighted trying to rescue civilians from the fire in Uptown and was making friends with a few [i]actual[/i] Nobles. It didn't matter; Mikael had decided to go for both now that he knew Remy's powers and that he was able to prevent himself being stolen from, while Flip, well, Flip provided brawn. He sent a message to the amateur blogger, saying: [i]$150 is to be sent to your bank account. I'll pay $1000 if you can follow that guy and Remy around to that building they're going to, and $1500 if you get caught and potentially hurt, and $2000 if you get caught yet persuade that guy and Remy that you're taking money from someone who can ensure that kid is fed three meals a day, has a warm and clean bed and clean clothes too.[/i] Now, back to Flip and his pals; it seemed that Senbonsakura (?) was there too, as well as Breakneck. It was too dangerous for mundane journalists and bloggers to gather information, so he withdrew his requests for more info on Flip for the time being. Instead, he focused on his plans to build his lair, the laboratory where he was going to work to prevent all-out-war between Variants and Non-Variants, as well as for the eventual confrontation with 'Mr./Ms./Them. with bad logic with Grand Canyon-sized holes in it', aka Ignoble. He, with his hard hat on, spoke to Pierre and continued, "Make sure this lab is easily demolishable, by the way, just in case Ignoble does force me to destroy my research." As Pierre nodded, Mikael sighed and muttered, "I wonder if Ignoble has ever considered that the research she is stopping could have helped [i]Behemoth[/i] keep control of his powers..." Either way, he waited for his amateur blogger to follow Remy and his new friend...