[center][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/273x65q90/924/zsILcN.png[/img][/center] Remy nods and waves at Jimi. Glancing towards the street that the three truckers went, he turns in the opposite direction towards the back alley that ran behind the bar, leaving Jimi behind. As he rounds the corner, he took a couple of steps past it, then pauses to lean against the vibrating wall of the Watershed, rubbing his aching cheek. [color=00ff00][i]Please don't let it be a fracture[/i][/color], he winces as he gingerly pressed on the bone. The ache became sharper, but his cheek bone didn't budge. He sighs with relief. [color=00ff00][i]A couple of pain killers would be nice, but the drug store would want an ID for anything stronger than baby aspirin. And buying it so close to the alley might be trouble....[/i][/color] Remy pushes himself off of the wall and glances around, then heads up the alley towards downtown. Food and meds was going to have to wait while he got away from the alley. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he began rolling up the bills a few at a time in the one pocket and sliding them through a small hole in the fabric so they'd slip between the liner and the shell. [color=00ff00][i]That was lucky. Guy must have been gambling[/i][/color], Remy nods to himself. [color=00ff00][i]Or going gambling. If it was legit, they'd use their banking app. So they're not likely to call the cops...[/i][/color] He pauses for a moment to glance at the burned out preschool yard through the broken wall. [color=00ff00][i]They just had to put up those D-Corp princesses on a mural. And instead of threatening to sue, they had a couple of those troopers with the big ears on their helmets raid the place. Pity, it looked nice.[/i][/color] By the time he reached the end of the alley, he could hear the sirens and the bright flickering lights somewhere ahead. [color=00ff00][i]Some sort of opening? Not another disaster 3D?! Did they pay for the trucks to show up or did someone trip a fire alarm?[/i][/color] [color=00ff00][i]Well, it might be fun to watch,[/i][/color] Remy decides, heading towards the burning labs.