[@Dark Cloud] No, not [i]just[/i] not doing it. December has brought a death in the family of a beloved aunt, literally the evening after I returned home for visiting the other side of the family. Ive been working 50+ hours a week at work leaving little time to even see my husband. This, and more, leading to a less than favorable mental state trying to manage the chaos of the real world. I've tried to write. I've come on here and tried to conjure some semblance of content that would get the story moving forward again. Then the phone at work rings again, or my rabbit at home gets into items that could kill him, or my blood sugars run awry, and I can never finish what I had started. So no. I'm not just over here ignoring this story. So unless you're willing to pick up reigns as the GM role and get things for the story flowing again, it's going to be a while longer. I'm not exactly happy about it either but with all the another real-world situations dragging down my mental health, I'm not willing to let the anxiety of trying to write add onto the pile. It results in poorly written posts at best and an utter resentment for the over all story at worst. If that means we close this story up because neither of us have time/energy/whatever to put into it, then so be it. Sorry.