[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/nRDMO/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4NCwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjg0LCJmZ2MiOiIjNzhCMkVBIiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/Sm9yZGFuIFN0YWFy/naofumi-demo-version.png[/img][/center] [color=80b4ec]"Hey Sam, I'm Jordan and this is AJ and Aguacita,"[/color] she said, pointing at the Tropius and Wattrel respectively for introuctions. [color=80b4ec]"Nice to meet you."[/color] She smiled and clapped her hands together, [color=80b4ec]"I tend to do a quick set of dynamic stretches to warm up the body and wake up a bit for the day. Don't push yourself or try to stretch further than you feel comfortable, we don't want to drag the nurse out here. So, first is easy; just some arm swings."[/color] Jordan lifted her arms and swung them across her body, slowly at first to see if Sam followed suit. He was a bit uncanny, but polite and seemed open to new things, even if he was a little off putting about it. He moved slowly, maybe even too slow to even feel a stretch, but Jordan decided he was moving at least and that would suffice for an impromptu morning workout buddy. [color=80b4ec]"Cool! You should feel it in your upper arms and shoulder going out, and your back going in."[/color] She stopped after maybe a dozen reps and sighed in content. [color=80b4ec]"Moving on, leg swings are great for hips and hamstrings, but we need something to balance with. AJ?"[/color] She motioned to him and the Tropius lowered his neck at waist height. Jordan used her left arm to balance while swinging her left leg forwards and backwards. [color=80b4ec]"We can also go across,"[/color] she said, breathy from exertion, [color=80b4ec]"but it's a bit trickier to balance so we'll stick to simple."[/color] She only glanced once at Sam with an encouraging smile, her classmate giving AJ a careful stare. Jordan knew AJ was a gentle giant and she loved him for it. [color=80b4ec]"Nice, looks like you're getting the hang of it. I'm skipping a few of them, but if you want the whole routine we could meet up again some other morning. Anyway, on to the next."[/color] She walked him through a handful more stretches. It felt like he didn't really feel interested so she didn't want to bore him or make him any more uncomfortable than he already was. Really, who walks up to a random classmate and asks to do stretching with them before class? Weird people, that's who. Though her negtive thoughts were disheartening, she put on a smile and sighs at the end of the shortened routine. [color=80b4ec]"Now that's how you start a morning. Oh! And last but not least, Tropius fruit is a national delicacy in Hoenn, or so I tell myself."[/color] She chuckled while gently plucking a pair of yellow fruits from her Pokémon. [color=80b4ec]"Want to try one?"[/color] She offered one to him before taking a bite of her own. [color=ed145b]"Thanks,"[/color] he nodded and accepted the fruit, breaking off a tiny piece to offer to his Cutiefly perched on his head [color=ed145b]"It's sweet. It’s not bad."[/color] Jordan did a silent celebration in her head. That might be the most she would get out of her stoic companion this morning so she chalked it up as a win.