[h2]Elastasia[/h2] "Euuuuuuggh..." Elastasia groaned, pouting. It wasn't like any of the girls coming into the school were really growing that noticeably; there was no way she'd fit into the first years on height alone... which was a pretty dismal assessment of her own size, all things considered, but there was nothing she'd ever be able to do about that. Except levitate, but that sort of showy thing for conversation was [i]very[/i] impolite unless circumstances actually demanded it for some reason. Really, what was with Serrica's parting message? The rumours hadn't gotten out of hand [i]yet[/i], nobody was too interested in paying attention to where the bookworm was looking when she remembered to show up to social events (and that was the door more often than it was the ladies in attendance) and she'd not gotten blatant in her interests to the point of scandal either. Did the brunette know something? Hopefully not, she already had enough to think about [i]avoiding[/i] any pretty first-year girls; Elastasia wasn't going to go seek them out. Wandering around the courtyard, however, brought her to someone [i]else[/i] she was familiar with. They were probably cousins of some degree, which would help with recognising her brother, but more importantly he was pretty tall. "Hey, Reggie, have you seen my brother?" the short girl asked, popping up behind him as he looked to exit the courtyard, and falling into place even as he headed towards the markets proper. "I think he might have gone looking for me." Ah, Reginald. Such a problem in so many routes of the game; as nice as she was [i]now[/i], it had crossed Elastasia's mind more than once to try and arrange a few accidents if the heroine ignored him. More than the other capture targets, even, as at least this didn't mean contemplating regicide. Though, trying to avert some of the biggest conflicts by violence really was a matter of last resort... she didn't [i]want[/i] to do something like that, and it wasn't really her forte. Maybe if she could find some of the other second-half characters...