[COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][quote][color=D2691E]“Congratulations,”[/color] Feral told him. [color=D2691E]“You took out five—four and a half— Hypes with minimal property damage using some of the worst form I’ve ever seen from you.”[/color] Feral looked at their skyward entrance, [color=D2691E]“You done pissing? Or should we square up so you can get this out of your system?”[/color][/quote] [INDENT]Chuck knew full well that even with the mask still concealing his face, Makarios could see the glare the former Maverick leader was directing his way. His body was still tense from the fight, his hand tightly wrapped around his weapon as he sized Makarios up. Thomas had always been the strongest physically of the three remaining Mavericks, but that mattered little when one had the speed that Makarios had, let alone his versatility. While Chuck's suit helped to even the odds, it would only delay the inevitable in a one-on-one fight against a man who knew his every move. Even Chuck's unrivalled pragmatism in a room full of Hypes whose powers were his for the borrowing couldn't help him win this fight. [color=white]"Another time,"[/COLOR] IllAdvised growled, sheathing his weapon before recalling his cape. [color=white]"NLPD will be crawling all over this place in a matter of minutes, they won't hesitate to summon a H.I.T. Squad on us if we're still present."[/COLOR] Raising a hand to the side of his cowl, IllAdvised tapped two fingers to his head. [color=white]"The situation here is handled. Go home and get out of the rain."[/COLOR] He ordered Bliss over the commlink before turning to Makarios again. [color=white]"Our turn to leave,"[/COLOR] IllAdvised stated briskly, grappling upwards to the same opening he had crashed through previously. [color=white]"Then you can tell me what brought you back to this Hellmouth."[/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]