[center][h2][color=green]Eva Trelawney [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/19/41/54/194154beb783ed5ba585dffee7066101.jpg[/img] 16 years of age 6th year student [/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/26/1d/a1/261da1e494a02c386c9e956cf4e2f0f8.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b] [i]Let’s just say that Eva is… the epitome of what it means to be a Slytherin. Cunning, resourceful, witty, and as sneaky as a snake but twice as pretty. Confidence oozes from her pores and the girl walks with the grace and uncaring demeanor of a pureblood. As evident in… everything she does, really. However, just because she’s confident doesn’t mean she’s an idiot. She’s more likely to send a couple of her ‘friends’ to take care of you, should you cross her. You can call her a coward if you wish BUT, it’d be like talking to a rock. All you’d get is a masterful eye roll and some rather… unfortunate luck for the next few weeks until she tires of you… if you’re lucky.[/i] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/83/d9/1d/83d91d5d3e088bc085a77428e5ae4c2c.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Background[/b] [i]Eva was born from old blood. One of the most influential pure blood families, the Trelawney family. Her family has quite the intimidating reputation considering some very dangerous, powerful, and dark wizards came from the Trelawney family. The name is enough to strike fear into the hearts of most and it’s sort of an unspoken rule to not… fuck with them, basically. Of course, over the years they’ve ‘cleaned up’ their image and have been putting on this front of being reformed. However, it’s known to some of the upper pureblood families and darker wizards that the family will still play a bit… dirty, if need be. The family motto is: [b]Protect your own, blood will be drawn.[/b] Family is important and loyalty is everything. These are the words and morals Eva was raised with. Coming from such a wealthy and powerful family, and as the only heir as well, she has big shoes to fill. Her parents were very strict on her growing up, doing their best to make sure she grew up with all the perfect mannerisms and lessons needed to become the best and survive. From spending hours upon hours studying to spending hours upon hours learning everything from how to properly eat at dinner to how to subtly manipulate people to get what you need. Sure, it might not have been the best for a girl her age and it might not have been the easiest but she grew up stronger because of it. When she first entered Hogwarts, she had one mission: Be the best. And she was. She made ‘friends’ with those that came from important bloodlines and that had abilities that would useful in the future, she made fantastic grades, and she kept a level-head. It wasn’t easy to be the best and there were a few times she needed to… dirty her hands a bit to get what was necessary. But, it wasn’t often and she always came out on top. She played up the ‘not-so-smart’ angle in public, having others do her work for her in order to have people underestimate her. But, she always did brilliantly on her tests proving she wasn’t an idiot. No one ever knew, however, and she was fine with that. She didn’t waste her time on boys or girls and serious relationships, nothing more than a few people to warm her bed whenever she needed to sate herself. But, she wasn’t interested in relationships. She had more important things to worry about. After all, she was to become the next leader after her father passed and she needed to be ready.[/i] [center][h2][color=green]Eva Trelawney[/color][/h2][/center]