Giri gives Hanaha a hard thump, pushing her weight down on the N'yari. "None of that. I've won. Your sisters are going to respect that too, right? If they don't, it would mean they don't respect you and you'd help me get my friend Azazuka on her way, right? She's under my protection." Giri gives Hanaha another thump for good measure, pushing the catgirl's head into the dirt, mouth still open from sneering. Hanaha was probably enjoying this, the N'yari always did like a challenge. But in this moment, she needed her victory to stick. There were too many people here, too much risk, and too much to be done to just lean back and enjoy a nice N'yari vacation. And among all those things, Giri had promised to keep Azazuka safe and that had to come first. And that meant focusing on this match, and Azazuka's safety. Besides, they way Azazuka was looking, it would be fine if a N'yari caught her up for a few minutes. Just as long as they could make their exit afterwards and not have to wait for the turning of a full season. She glanced to the side, just once, briefly. Well, she just hoped that the rest of that remained safely. She'd have to trust the scribe and the maid, both. Maybe that would work out, it's certainly not what either of them would expect.