[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fbmPtAd.png[/img] [sup][hr][color=lightgray][b]Location[/b]: Ishin Academy: School Gates [@Asura][/color][hr][/sup][/center]Students trudged on, stragglers picked up their pace, and small groups that had stopped to chat broke up and began moving. It was definitely time to head inside now. Riona shuffled away from the densest parts of the crowd, though he followed the general flow. His footsteps crunched on the frost covering the ground, and his breath turned to fog, but he was doing way better with the cold than many other students judging from the many sneezes and sniffles going on. There was a lot of complaining from some poor souls that were reduced to shivering. [i]Really sucks to be them,[/i] he thought, shaking his head. Riona noted from the corner of his eye that someone was coming up next to him. When he turned, he was surprised to find a blonde girl with tired eyes and a mole high on her cheek. One of the ones he'd seen loitering earlier, maybe? He couldn't tell. Apparently she was a good samaritan offering directions. Riona frowned. [i]I don't really look that lost, do I? ...eh, wait, what was the first thing she said?[/i] His mind reversed, playing her words over again. He actually squinted, his eyes looking around briefly to make sure it was him that she was talking to. It was. Damn, big city girls were bold. [color=BC8F8F]"All set on directions,"[/color] he told her, which was only half true. Technically he didn't know where the assembly hall was, but he was sure he could find it. Either way, he wasn't lost. His face broke into a smile wide enough to show off his teeth. [color=BC8F8F]"But since you're offering, I definitely wouldn't mind your company."[/color] He politely slowed his gait. [color=BC8F8F]"You a first year too?"[/color]