[color=00aeef]May Galaxy[/color][hr] "Clockmon." The usage implied that it was a name, and it fit the theme of the names of the other creatures. Ending with "mon" seemed to be the norm. The back-and-forth of the siblings revealed more than they probably wanted. "Necrowisemon." It was a little jumbled, but it sounded like this being was the reason for their distress. And perhaps more? "Torturing my brother" and "he's not so bad" conflicted, and painted a picture of something May didn't like. And the last thing she heard, "he's a psychopath." She wanted to follow them, to make sure they would be okay, but the fact of the matter was that the two sibling seemed at odds about this person. It probably wouldn't go very well if they gave these devices to someone labelled a psychopath, but maybe they knew something the humans didn't. Well, other than apparently [i]everything[/i]. At the end of their talking over each other, Marineangemon ran away, quickly followed by his sister. May turned to the humans to see their reactions. [color=#CC50C4]“Might as well follow them. For Digital Monsters, they seem pretty harmless and helpful.”[/color] Then the redhead's apparent partner took off after them, the human in tow. Great. The decision was made, then. She couldn't let someone run off in an unknown world by themselves. She'd just have to hope that they were headed towards this "Clockmon" that was mentioned. She turned her head back to the other humans. [color=00aeef]"You don't have to follow, but if you don't, stay here."[/color] she told them before running after the redhead and his worm. With any luck they'd either catch up to the siblings or lose them completely before meeting whoever they were going to. She made sure to pay close attention to her surroundings in case she had to find her way back for the others when they were done.