[hr][color=FF0927][sup][h1] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/743937859198648470/1058903861999456276/IMG_5156.jpg[/img][/center] [b][center][color=#fff200] U n i n v i t e d[/color] [color=#DC143C]U n i n v i t e d[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color] [color=gray][right][sub]location: Hathor’s Home interactions: [color=DC143C]Hathor[/color] | [color=fff200]Ra[/color] mentions: [color=00CC99]Tlaz[/color][@KZOMBI3] [/sub][/right][/color][hr] Hathor slowly shifted under the covers, something pulling her away from the tempting calls to fall back into sleep's peaceful embrace. She sat up slowly, the silken sheet and blankets pooling into her lap as she rubbed down her face with her hands, trying to remove the edge of slumber still present. She glanced out the window, practically wanting to groan in distaste as the first few rays of sunlight spilled in through her opened window. She cursed herself for not drawing the curtains closed, depriving herself of some much needed sleep after the rollercoaster that was the day before. It seemed she still rose with the sun now and then which was frustrating considering the occupation she had chosen but old habits die hard. Flinging the blankets aside, she stood up with a small stretch and made her way over to the window, fully prepared to shut the curtains before crawling into bed and hoping she was able to fall asleep quickly. That was until she heard something from downstairs. She paused for a moment, listening carefully to see if she heard another noise or if it was her imagination from the early hours mixed with lack of sleep. At the confirmation that she heard footsteps and other noises drifting from downstairs, she moved more quietly, as if a panther on the prowl. Her footsteps were silent, careful and precise as she made her way carefully down the stairs. Whoever had dared to enter her home uninvited or was trying to steal from her had made a fatal mistake. She was not one to be trifled with and didn’t take kindly to those that disrespected her or her home. Hathor stealthily made her way to the kitchen, ready to grab a knife from the block to at least put fear into the mortal that had invaded her space but paused as she saw cleaned dishes on the drying rack, ones she knew for a fact hadn’t been used. It was then that she took a moment to realize that her kitchen smelled like breakfast, like someone had just been cooking not long ago. She swiftly grabbed the largest knife from the block, making her way slowly to the dining room when she found herself simply staring in shock. The mess and destruction of the dining room had been made spotless as if it had never occurred in the first place. The smashed dining room table, now was pristine and covered with different delicacies on serving trays but the thing that had her the most shocked, the reason why the knife in her hand clattered loudly to the floor due to her shaking, was the god sitting at the end of the table. Waiting for her as if he had been there all along. [color=DC143C]”What are you doing here? How did you get in?”[/color], Hathor asked seriously, trying to hold back a flood of rage at seeing him here. How dare he come into her home as if he was welcome?! She hated that buried with all the pain and hatred, she still felt that moment of her heart racing at seeing his face. That feeling that mortals called never forgetting your first love no matter the ending or how you parted ways. It made her sick. It made her angry. It made her feel weak. He had created her to be his wife and now, she desperately wished he hadn’t. She wanted no connection. She didn’t want any of the good times they had. She didn’t need a memory lane. Hathor officially wanted nothing from him and yet, here he was for some reason. She had had a peaceful existence without him and now he was back. Things never went well when it came to him in her life. [color=fff200]“I wanted to see you.”[/color] Ra said, in response to both of her questions, with a welcoming smile as he stood up. He was seated at the head of the new table. His suit jacket was neatly folded over the chair on the left of him. There was love in his eyes. A possessive love. [color=fff200]“Please, sit.”[/color] He motioned with one hand to the chair on a 90° angle to the right of his. The only other spot on the table that was prepared with a plate. He remained standing as he held her gaze. It might have sounded like a request but it wasn’t. An unpleasant shiver ran down her spine at his answer even with the welcoming smile attached to it, the lack of answer to the second question not going unnoticed. It really made her wonder how much she let him get away with things like this or if she had even noticed when she had been desperately in love. Her knees used to get weak with just that simple smile and she would have done anything to see it. Now, something told her to run but her feet wouldn’t move. She felt frozen under the weight of his gaze. Once the words were spoken, she knew very clearly that he wasn’t requesting…it was a demand. Hathor stood debating, wondering how much hassle it would be to ignore his order and simply walked away. Instead, she chose halfway in between, testing the waters and seeing what mood of his she was dealing with. [color=DC143C]”And if I refuse?”[/color], Hath questioned with a raise of her brow, holding his gaze from where she stood just as he was holding hers. She wasn’t going to appear weak. He had made her to be a queen so she would act like it, worry about how much this might crumble her later. Ra’s smile faded. It was replaced by nothing. A neutrality. Underneath all of that something was simmering though. His authority was questioned to his face. He walked around the table. Without looking he pulled the chair designated for Hathor from under the table sideways. [color=fff200]“Please don’t be difficult.”[/color] He said as he locked eyes with Hathor and brushed her hair behind her ear with one hand. He turned, and with one hand on the small of her back he ushered her forward towards the chair. [color=fff200]“Let’s just enjoy each other’s company on this fine dawn.”[/color] His smile was there again. Still, with that simmering heat underneath. Her hands balled into fists, the urge to slap the god before her increasing the more he casually touched her as if she would be alright with it. She doubted he cared what she thought or felt though as long as he had his way. It had taken her a long time to figure those points about his personality out. She didn’t speak a word after her question, nor did she grace him with a smile in return as she moved with his usher, simply to keep the peace for now. Hath took a seat, staring at the plate before her, irked that he still knew her favorites and was hoping to have at least one thing to pick at instead it was perfect in a frustrating way. At least eating would mean she wouldn’t have to talk so that was at least a positive. She had no idea why he had decided her company was worth wild and hoped that he lost interest quickly or maybe that Isis would appear and turn his head once again, keeping his attention off of her. A cheeriness returned to Ra as he took his own seat up again. Hathor had listened to him. All was once more good in his world. And because it was good in [i]his[/i] world, it was good in [i]the[/i] world. [color=fff200]“You look radiant this morning, my dear.”[/color] He said as he took a champagne flute. [color=fff200]“I’m sorry it took me so long to visit you again. Mortality – even this deceptive form – can be quite the coil.”[/color] With his right arm he reached out and gripped Hathor’s hand. [color=fff200]“So tell me, how have you been?”[/color] Hathor calmly yanked her hand away, picking up her fork with the same hand to make it seem as though that had been the reason when it clearly was because she was done being played with and trying to be coiled around his finger. It was a game she did not want to be a part of. She took a few bites of her food, trying not to be hurt over the pet names or compliments that she believed were not meant or if they were, it was to inflate his ego in view of his creation. [color=DC143C]”No apologies needed. I have been quite content without your visits. In fact, next time a longer extended period of absence might do us a world of good.”[/color], she stated honestly, jamming her fork a few times into the food for her next bite. [color=DC143C]”I do think it is an interesting coincidence though that you have not visited in all this time and chose to do so after two dead immortals appear.”[/color] [color=fff200]“It did made me realize I missed you.”[/color] Ra said as he swirled the flute of champagne with a melancholic and introspective look. [color=fff200]“And it makes me sad to see you seem to claim you didn’t.”[/color] He followed up and then look at Hathor with a look hinting at sadness piercing through the mask. Then it faded again. [color=fff200]“Oh my. It would seem that I made a mistake then by not engaging Hera’s invitation. Who died? I hope not one of ours.”[/color] He said with a tone of surprise and almost shock as he leaned back in his chair. The acquisition was left ignored. She felt a pang of regret for a split second at the melancholy expression before she had to dive deep to brush it off, not let herself be sucked in and remind herself that nothing and no one really hurt Ra or his feelings. The last thing she needed was him trying to play husband once more since she was already having a taste of it this morning and needed none extra or even a chance she might cave in. She was already debating on if she should move or get new locks on the doors. It helped her mind and nerves when he switched subjects, the god not knowing something was doubtful. He always seemed to have a way of knowing everything. Another avoided question or hint which made her all the more on edge. [color=DC143C]”Fortunately, no, the Egyptians are safe for now.”[/color], she answered, taking a sip of her own flute and ignoring the question over which the victims had been. The less ammo he had in case he really [i]didn’t[/i] know the better. [color=fff200]“Hathor. Look at me.”[/color] Ra said with a sudden sternness in his voice. There was an intensity in his eyes again. [color=fff200]“Who died?”[/color] He then asked, with the same steely, cold, stern voice that he used to draw her attention. He had been indulging her little rebellions. It kept him engaged and her interesting. After all, that is how he made her. Apparently though, she had difficulty understanding when to cease playing games. [color=fff200]“Who died? Tell me their names.”[/color] She flinched slightly at the sudden stern tone, accidently jerking to look at him before even realizing she had done so but inwardly cursed when she had complied to his request out of shock in the sudden change. Hathor frowned, shrugging as she looked away and staring at her plate like it was the most interesting thing in the world. [color=DC143C]”Just two of the Greeks. How am I supposed to know who? I don’t really run in their circles.”[/color], she snapped irritatedly. It wasn’t technically a lie, there were little Greeks that she was close to and one of the dead she hadn’t exactly known in any way and she [i]technically[/i] hadn’t known one was a god and thus hadn’t known his name until after the parting. He couldn’t expect her to know or care but it didn’t mean that he might not push harder. She was regretting bringing up the subject at all. She decided to change tactics and looked straight at him before glancing to the glass windows the dining room overlooked, [color=DC143C]”Are you going to ruin our breakfast and this fine morning with such unpleasant topics?”[/color] [color=fff200]“No. No, of course I would not.”[/color] Ra said. The comfortable, cheery demeanor returned as he leaned back again. [color=fff200]“But you insist on it, it would seem.”[/color] He continued a she swirled the champagne again. [color=fff200]“You’re not a bad liar, my dear. That would make you boring. However, I did make you. I know you better than you know yourself. And I know you’re lying.”[/color] Then he took a sip of the sparkling wine. For a second he was quiet. Ra was pondering over something deeply. [color=fff200]“So why did you lie, my dearest? It’s okay. You can tell me. I’m not angry, but I am disappointed.”[/color] Hathor had to use every ounce of her composer not to look at the god next to her with disgust at basically saying he knew her better because he created her. A mother created a child and that didn’t mean she knew them better but no, there was no point in making an argument. She had to remind herself that she was different than before and he continued to refuse to see that. Hurtful or not, she couldn’t let him get to her. For the first time since his arrival she gave him a dazzling smile and sweetly replied, [color=DC143C]”Wouldn’t be the first time you were disappointed in me. I thought you would be used to it by now.”[/color] [color=fff200]“Ah quite the contrary my love.”[/color] He returned with a more contained smile. [color=fff200]“I keep you in high regard. In the second highest regards of all, actually. I’ll never cease holding you to my highest expectations. Even when you fall short.”[/color] [color=fff200]“It is a tragic affair though. For a divine to leave my realm so absolutely. Zagreus and Macaria will be sorely missed.”[/color] Again he took a sip from the flute and pondered it. Then his phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out, took a short look at it and put the glass flute down on the table. [color=fff200]“My apologies. Duties call me away. This was enjoyable though. I look forward to our next breakfast.”[/color] Hathor turned away from him as he spoke, finishing off her flute of champagne and trying not to pout or show her pure irritation. She wished he would hold her in less regard, actually just completely erase her from his radar and dub her a lost cause. He had no trouble disregarding and discarding her for Isis, why not return to that thought mentality. It took every fiber of her being not to crush the glass in her hand, as he proved her thoughts correct that he already knew the names and was toying with her. It was to show that she would bend to him and be the proper supportive wife that did as [i]asked[/i]. She could have thanked the other person on the end of his phone for stopping her from opening her mouth with a snide comment and if she had known who they were, she might have kissed them for pulling the god away from her. The flood of happiness and relief was short lived however with the declaration of looking forward to their next breakfast. Hath felt shaky, trying to hold back a panic attack at the prospect of his random arrival again and having to endure conversation in what was supposed to be her safe space. She chose to stay silent, praying he would just get up and leave. She was at her limit of being civil and not resulting to violence which would probably ultimately not end well for her since it was still hard to rise against the one she had been partly designed to protect. Ra got up and threw his suit jacket over his shoulders. Again he let the silence reign in the room, though he seemed utterly oblivious – or uncaring – to the tension in the room. At least, that was until he was about to walk around the table towards Hathor’s door. He stopped behind her chair and put both his hands on her shoulders. [color=fff200]“One last thing, my love. I know I’ve been absent for a very long time and that your heart will always yearn for someone. You don’t have to wait for me all this time. You can find someone to warm your bed with during these cold and otherwise lonely nights.”[/color] Then he leaned forward to whisper in her ear: [color=fff200]“But always remember whose you are.”[/color] He leaned further forward, and gave her soft kiss on her cheek before whispering one last thing: [color=fff200]“I love you, Hathor.”[/color] After that he took his leave. She sat perfectly tense under his hands, stiff and still as the panic began to swell and her skin felt like it was crawling. She wasn’t sure how she had ever relished and wished for his presence or touch in the past because right now she felt like a trapped animal, to be viewed and admired but still broken in a cage. His ego made him delusional and she wasn’t even sure anyone could set him straight when it came to her. He viewed her as waiting for him but in truth, she had trouble letting people close for fear they were just like him. A falsity under a mask of pleasantness. Of course she wanted to be loved and cared for but this wasn’t love. At least not what others had described to her. This was possession or obsession, maybe both. She didn’t know how long she sat at the table after his departure, the feel of his hands on her shoulders and a kiss on her cheek burning her skin. Hathor finally let everything from that morning sink in, her breaths shaky and choked as she came back to reality, hugging herself close. She needed to get up, to move, to do something but she couldn’t move just yet other than curling into a ball on the dining chair. Tears spilled down her cheeks, fear and anger swam through her veins as she hated how helpless she felt in this moment. In a blind panic, she rushed to the front door, locking it even though she knew that would do nothing, it was a small bit of comfort. Hath rushed upstairs, snagging her phone and rushing to curl in the corner of her closet as she tried to calm her shaking hands to make a call. She couldn’t think straight, she needed someone she trusted. She couldn’t be alone. She would self-destruct as she always did and let Ra’s words eat at her. She needed someone who would be on her side. It was early but she prayed the other would answer all the same. [color=DC143C]”T-Tlaz, I need you to come over! Please! I can’t be alone here. He was here…I..please..please hurry.”[/color] she cried in a panic, words flying and jumbling, not sure if half she said was understandable or even if she had given the other goddess a chance to talk or just talked over her.