"Of course," Jocasta agreed, so relived to not be facing charges of murder, horse theft, public indecency, or consorting with ye olde power of darkness that she was willing to agree to just about anything. "We are going to Iskura anyway as we have made no secret of," she continued. It wasn't a secret though she honestly couldn't remember if they had actually mentioned it to anyone. The Master nodded his head thoughtfully, apparently considering this happy circumstance and trying to decide if he could trust them. "Well judging from the horses you rode in on..." he began. "Allegedly rode in on," Jocasta interjected, brushing clandestinely at a horse hair that was stuck to the gray fabric of her trousers. The Master gave her a long suffering look. "Allegedly rode in on, you are no friends of the Leo Mortis. It seems I have to take what chances fate deals me," he sighed before reaching up and lifting a piece of paper. He dipped his quill and added a quick post script before sprinkling sand and blowing softly to finish drying it. "I've asked Marius to give you a few coins for your troubles when you get there, I've no reason to think he won't do so," he said, rolling the paper and sealing it with some wax from a candle and a press of a seal. He passed it to Beren, evidently thinking better of entrusting it to the flighty scholar. "If I can give you two pieces of advice," he suggested and, hearing no objection, went on. "Get out of town before your date crashers get back, if I try to protect you it might be just the provocation they need to seize control of the town." Jocasta nodded. That only made sense, though she had a stop to make before they left. "What was the second piece of advice?" Beren asked solicitously. "Keep her nose out of trouble and for goodness sake dont let the common folk know you are poking around old ruins, one apocalypse is enough for the year." ___ The lunch rush was just beginning as they reached the Crimson Wyrven. The smell of roasting pork was strong and the tables were beginning to fill up. Beren kept looking over his shoulder, heedful of the Master's advice that it was better to be gone and soon, than to linger. "Bonnie!" Jocasta called waving the bar maid over. The beautiful young woman trotted over, a plate of empty mugs balanced on one hand. "You are still in town?" she asked, glancing around nervously for any sign of Leo Mortis interest. It seemed the news of their animosity traveled fast. "Just about to go," Jocasta assured her, and then reached into her pouch and withdrew the bottle she had stolen from the kitchen the night before. Shiny lead foil had been wrapped around it and soddered around the neck. "I made this for you," Jocasta said proudly. Bonnie narrowed her eyes. "You stole it you mean," she objected in here screeching voice but peered at it in interest. "Take a drink," Jocasta suggested. Bonnie opened her mouth to object, but then shrugged and pulled the stopper free. She took a small sip, frowned to find it contained only water and then took another drink. "You stole our vodka and replaced it with water?" she asked. Beren's mouth dropped open. Bonnie's voice sounded as clear and lovely as a bell. "Something like that," Jocasta said with a grin, and then turned and hurried for the door.