[hider=Detective Shepard] [CENTER][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1058800110915559535/image.png[/img] [SUB][COLOR=cecece][color=2E2C3D][s]T A Y L O R B L A C K[/s][/color] M A R I E S H E P A R D ◄ 32 ▎FEMALE ▎ 5'7" ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB] [hr] [color=a8a8a8] Marie is a stern and dead-set woman. She projects an atmosphere of utmost professionalism when on either of her jobs, and expects the same of others she works with. She is a new detective recruited by NSPD after her name appeared in the history of a recently deceased police officer, who she allegedly had history with. Marie doesn't disclose the details of this with anyone, but her skills are easily recognizable. As an independent private investigator, Marie has a reputation for being very capable, discreet, and resourceful. Marie keeps her personal life close to the chest, and no one can say for certain why she dodges the census, but she's clearly on board with the rest of NSPD, assuming the affiliation with officer Pilgrim counts for anything. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB] [hr] [color=a8a8a8] The earliest turning point of Marie's life began with a gunshot. Ever since that day, she had officer Nathan Pilgrim to thank for helping her leave a terrible home behind. On her 18th birthday, she took whatever she could from home and left. Pilgrim helped her make sure she would be safe, and gave her his number in case she needed help. He was like a father to Marie, and when she considered detective work, he encouraged her fully. After spending a few years to build up a stable homelife, Marie eventually opened an office in New Seattle as a private investigator at the age of 23. Work was slow at first, but she steadily earned a reputation as a professional among law firms and some other private individuals. Everything was fine for roughly two years, until Marie vanished one day. No one was entirely sure where she went. It was as if she simply stopped existing, not even Nathan Pilgrim could track her down, but she was an adult capable of looking after herself. She had a bad past, and maybe she just needed to make peace with that somehow now that she had stability. That was what Nathan thought, and he was somewhat correct. After she eventually returned at the age of 26, she did her best to avoid Old Man Pilgrim. She had done things that would have disappointed him, things that would ruin the life and career she had carved out for herself. But, she had peace. That was enough. For the next six years, life was back to normal for her. She had cases to work, and even met a woman she turned out to be very happy with. Nathan had retired, but now lies dead at the hands of the Morse Code Killer. Marie attended his funeral, estranged as she was. It was during the end of his funeral where NSPD detectives approached her. They knew that Marie was an old friend of his, and that she had a professional career as an investigator. The case of this serial killer was personal to her, and that was enough of a reason for her to be recruited and handed a badge. The rest is history, and Marie wants it to stay that way.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]2 0 4 5 - C E N S U S [/COLOR][/SUB] [hr] [color=a8a8a8] Refused[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]M E M O R I E S[/COLOR][/SUB] [hr] [color=a8a8a8] [b]Officer Nathan Pilgrim[/b] - A retired police officer, and one of the Morse Code Killer's most recent victims. After his death, investigators turned up evidence of someone named Marie Shepard having history with him. Marie had already heard of his death, and was planning to investigate herself. NSPD brought her onboard as an "official" detective in light of this. Marie never told them, but she owed Nathan Pilgrim her life. That man was very, very important to her and where she came from. [b]Natalie Wilkins[/b] - Marie's significant other. She tends to stay out of criminal investigations, but works as an anonymous journalist in the city. Sometimes they trade notes. [b]Carl Black[/b] - She has never heard that name before. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]O L D - S A M - B R O W N E[/COLOR][/SUB] [hr] [color=a8a8a8] [list] [*][url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi2.wp.com%2Fblog.cheaperthandirt.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F04%2Fsig_p320.jpg%3Ffit%3D1000%252C750%26ssl%3D1&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d57ea2331c550acda663375b9aee67226c7302134d59ee1e578248163cf7f3cf&ipo=images]Sig P320[/url] and extra bullets [*]A swiss army knife [*]A small [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP._zYTKAauwJDFrbWn8YN5lgHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=054426b3104e81302a95f65fab66e1ddc791b6db14e4d0ad07133c72cbde3071&ipo=images]digital camera[/url] [*]A notebook and multiple pens [*]A list of contacts including lawyers, reporters, and otherwise resourceful individuals who Marie typically questions during a case. One such contact is simply labelled as "Wildcard." [/list] [/color] [/hider]