[@Bright_Ops] Rose is watching over all the different people in the room, trying to get some sort of clue or any hint of anyone who might give away who would be picked to lead. Suddenly she hears a familiar voice and giving a small curtsy. "Hello! I am so sorry you are right. I have been knee deep in my studies lately. I have been trying to learn everything I can to always be able to hold a conversation...But Still having trouble starting them." She says slowly starting to look around again to make sure she wasnt making a fool out of herself. Dimitri looks up and around seeing the two of the "brothers" start to talk. As a server walks by, he reaches up grabbing a drink while still watching what is going on the ball room. He could not help but watch as they try to show which one is better then the other. He knew this was about who would be in charge, but there was only so much he could do with as many siblings as he had. Especially brothers before him and after him with more skill. Him being born a twin meant he had to work twice as hard along side her to show their skill...not his alone.