Here's my experience of playing Black Desert. >Starts for first time and gets blocked by anti-cheat software, and goes "Oh god. It's one of those games." >Second time I create my character. The detail sliders don't move and makes the character customization shockingly limited. >Unskippable cutscene >Tutorial to move character forward and not lose target. Watch target float and freeze after two seconds. Makes me repeat. >Watch the target float and freeze after two seconds. Makes me repeat. And I go, "Oh God! It's one of those games." >Third times the charm and unskippable cutscene. (The person's name you don't know betrays you. Fascinating stuff.) >Tries to edit UI and realizes it stops you from doing so until you're level 10 arbitrarily. >Gets cash shop ad and mobile game rewards spammed in face. >Do a fetch quest and the game hard crashes. >Reload and gets another cash shop ad. >Then. Every. Single. Fucking. Quest. Since Level 20. Is. Go Somewhere. And/Or. Kill Imps. (Please! I beg you! Let me kill ANYTHING ELSE!) >Including three bosses (two were one after the other) that are all health sponges that can; stun and knock you over, use aoe effects that cover the whole screen, move and attack faster than you, hitboxes are larger than area on screen, play an overly long cutscene when you've got them down to half HP, lose all HP on the health bar and yet don't die, before spamming attacks until the game starts to lag (basically forcing you to consume HP potions) and THEN they die. >But don't mistake that for me saying the gameplay is a challenge or even remotely engaging. Because otherwise, I kill absolutely everything in ONE HIT! I click to win combat! [b][i]You have no idea how boring that is![/i][/b] >Among every other thing that I could pick at. Like; the game has skills that you can't put in the quick slot bar for reasons completely unknown. (Frankly, I can't even tell how to improve skills yet.) The game is optimized like complete shit compared to FF14. Every NPC speaks without moving their mouth, and often before even showing up on screen. Unskippable cutscenes. The endless dialogue between NPC quests and your own personal Navi, Etc. Etc. Yeah...I can't say I'm having a blast thus far... Though my friend isn't having the same issues on his PS5. The screen shake and tiny UI (with a giant TV) until level 10 was hurting his eyes. (And what game is better than one that's actively painful to experience.)