[Center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ohitsIF.png[/img][/Center] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist] A suppressed scream passed through Finnegan's clenched teeth as the blade thrust through his shoulder. Instinctively; he reached toward the offending weapon, grabbing at it pitifully with his right hand-- as if trying to dislodge it from his shoulder in a desperate attempt to escape the flood of pain. The palm of the Apostle's right hand grew warmer each time it neared the bleeding hole torn in his shoulder; cooling only slightly as it slipped down the body of the Valtem's blood-slicked blade. Between violent huffs of air, illusory chants slowly built in Finnegan's ears as he struggled to escape his escape his assailant-- panic and fear welled in the Apostle's heart as he endured the most harrowing injury of his entire life. The moment Sella had looked toward her companion; Finn's panicked hand tightly grasped the horn from his belt, lifting it to his lips... With all of his might-- he blew.