To J’eon, there were no sounds that would hint at creatures from other directions, only to the front. Though, for what finally emerged from the forest, it was frankly surprising that it had managed to get as close as it had without notice. This [url=]creature[/url] was massive, almost double J’eon’s height. It vaguely resembled some kind of giant insect, but it was quite unlike any animal he would have ever seen. It had no eyes that could be observed, yet it was quite obviously aware of J’eon’s location, with the way it seemed to stare him down. Its behavior also felt strange for an animal. If it was a predator hunting prey, it would not be screeching the moment it sensed its quarry. Whatever it was, though, it made its intentions quite unmistakable. It clicked its mandibles together, then let out another shriek as it came barreling straight at him, seemingly enraged. [hr] Yet again, the shriek was plainly audible to Kareet and Shirik. It was just a bit closer than before, as their path seemed to be taking them towards it. Kareet, on her part, was starting to look more and more annoyed at the fact that she could not recognize the sound. “Okay, that’s the second time we’ve heard that. I will be honest, I don’t recognize it. Have you ever heard anything like it?” She asked.