[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/222922026929618944/1052499388506845184/Picsart_22-12-14_08-16-18-920.png[/img] [right][b]21,989 // ORBUCEN[/b][/right] Richard could feel the eyes burning on him as he walked through the streets, the gravitational shield still keeping the members of this worlds government safe. The same people who had selected who would be saved, and ensured that if they could not be safe then nobody was going to be. [color=gold][i]Danger Richard Rider, you must pay attention at this time.[/i][/color] There was a boom up overhead, and a crash as something fell from the sky into the ground before Richard. He held up his hands to get everyone to stop. [color=fdc68a]"What in the world?"[/color] [i][color=gold]No Richard Rider, not off this world.[/color][/i] Out of the crater crawled a [url=https://terrigen-cdn-dev.marvel.com/content/prod/1x/crater.jpg]massive creature[/url], he had seen his fair share of monsters and beasts throughout the years, from abominations of science to aliens and even one or two magical beings but something about this one seemed wrong. It had froth around its mouth, and a rage behind the eyes that he found unsettling. [color=fdc68a]"Unidentified Alien-"[/color] Richards voice boomed through various different translations all at once. He wasn't entirely sure of the science behind it but he didn't have time to stop and question it everytime he was speaking to some new alien. Especially one that looked distinctly [i]mad[/i]. [color=fdc68a]"-I am Nova Centurion 11249-44396. I am tasked with saving as many people of this world as possible. Step aside immediately."[/color] The alien roared at him and charged. [color=fdc68a]"Shields!"[/color] His entire body glowed as he was struck by a single fist. He was sent flying through the delegates, and there was the distinct possibility that he collided with at least one of them. Climbing out of the building that he ended up in he shook his head. [color=fdc68a]"Holy hannah, how hard did he hit us?"[/color] [color=gold][i]Still determining, however I would advise you do not allow him to hit us again that hard.[/i][/color] [color=fdc68a]"Gee thanks, I'll work on that."[/color]