[center][h1][color=#bb61f2]Sophia Ward[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] The moment she stepped out the elevator, Sophia was awestruck with the change in decor. This didn't exactly used to be a dump, but it wasn't quite this swish when it was a strip club. The jeering and hollering of excited clients watching the stage had given way to ambient music and polite chatter. The dark walls and pink neon strips had given way to a well-lit upper-class restaurant with aquariums and everything. The uniforms of the staff help give them a certain mistique and build a very...exclusive atmosphere. When she was finished gazing around in wonder, Sophia slung her Anima's strap over her shoulder like a rucksack, smiled and approached the receptionist. [color=#bb61f2]"We haven't, I'm afraid,"[/color] she answered in a polite and respectful manner of speaking, yet keeping her voice's edge and accent. [color=#bb61f2]"My apologies. I haven't been here in a while. You've really worked magic on the place! Very nice! Anyway, do you have a table for five available, please?"[/color] [@Melpaws][@pkken][@PigeonOfAstora][@Conscripts][@AThousandCurses]