[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YQgCVYB.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mWutLO6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] So much happened in such a quick span of time. Firstly, Latrell noticed a large muscle-bound man approaching Buki with an extremely pointed finger. His companion hopped shoulders before he could be poked, as if to avoid being touched by something gross. His eyes and mouth shifted gears into a frown as the man seemed incredibly displeased with the mechanical creature's existence. Latrell noticed this and raised an eyebrow to the man. [color=darkgoldenrod]"You don't seem to quite understand what you're looking at. Not that I really expect you to, but trust me when I say he's a valuable asset to us all. And if you want to fight magic with science, then so am I."[/color] Everyone seemed so much in a rust it began to annoy him. Latrell watched as everyone bickered and forced their own thoughts and impressions on the situation. He knew saying more would only add to the chaos but he couldn't help but internally argue. [color=darkgoldenrod][i]You all just want to blindly trust 9 other individuals without even so much as a single conversation? God you all are so prude. Acting like small talk will kill you guys or something.[/i][/color] Latrell simply gave a nod after the folks discussed their approaches and opinions on what to fight. Before he could muster much of an opinion of his own, however, the group as a whole were rushed out of the castle proper and onto the streets. He huffed slightly at the whole situation. As the group meandered to the nearby tavern, he sat at a large table and witnessed Versle order a round of drinks and challenge Adelaide to a drinking contest. He smirked a little, finding the social game of theirs to be fun to watch. He pulled a small book of his from his backpack and laid it on the table in front of him. A small lead pencil then appeared seemingly from nowhere as he began to write small notes and begin light sketches and doodles. He absent-mindedly worked on his sketches as the two began to drink. The question Versle has asked him before had definitely stuck on his mind, making him want to deliver an answer. What would he do if presented with so much raw power he couldn't simply "shoot" from afar. Well the only logical answer is to fight back with all the power he could muster. But his body was not anywhere near the level of some "lizard guard" or "muscle-head". So he began to think up something of an exo-skeleton. Something light yet powerful enough to launch a punch well over 5 times his normal punching strength. His attention however, comes up as he realizes that he stayed silent for far too long. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Oh I suppose I never gave a proper answer to the whole 'who do we want to kill' conundrum. Whatever we go for we should try to prepare counter-measures. I feel like either or is a fine target. But if I'm being honest the lizard will likely require the most simple counter rather than the magical 'bruja'. "[/color] He paused between his words, putting down his pencil and looking at those standing and sitting. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comments?"[/color] [/center]