Still on the fence on what census group this guy should be in really, here here is- to represent the old guard. [hider=Alan J. Williams] [CENTER][img][/img] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]A L A N T H O M P S O N ◄ 71 ▎ MALE ▎ 5'9 ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB] [color=a8a8a8] Alan Williams is a corrupt and cunning individual, known for his manipulative tactics and questionable methods. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and is often quick to anger if mocked. He has cultivated connections with characters who are willing to repay him for favours done in the past, because he lauds sensitive information over them, or simply for money. Despite his questionable morals, Alan has a reputation as a skilled detective for being able to solve cases that have stumped others, those who know him for any amount of time know that it's not skill that gets him to close a case. In his personal life, he is distant and cold towards his wife, and their marriage has suffered as they have grown apart over the years.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB] [color=a8a8a8] Detective Alan Williams had always been a slippery character, even from a young age. Growing up in the rough streets of Seattle, he learned quickly how to talk his way out of trouble and into the good graces of those in power. As he got older, he began to use his charm and wit to manipulate those around him, often engaging in schemes that were less than legal- once embezzling money from his former employer, a small business owner who trusted Alan to handle the finances. Despite his questionable morals, Alan managed to work his way into the police force in his early 20s. However, he quickly realized that he couldn't rely on his charm alone to get ahead in the department. Instead, he turned to underhanded tactics such as blackmail, bribery, and even faking evidence to further his career. He also cultivated connections with shady individuals who were willing to do his bidding for the right price. As the years went on, Alan's personality became colder and harder. He became resistant to change and didn't care about being inconspicuous with his coworkers over his less-than-legal actions. Despite his questionable methods, Alan was able to close cases that had stumped others, earning him a reputation as a skilled detective. However, those who worked with Alan knew the truth. They knew that he was not a skilled detective but a manipulative and corrupt individual, a weasel who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Despite this, Alan was able to keep his actions hidden for many years from prying eyes and higher-ups in power, using his connections and influence to cover his tracks. In his private life, Alan's marriage began to suffer, it never was a strong marriage to begin with. Now he and his wife became distant and rarely interacted, instead went about their own separate lives. They had grown apart over the years, with little in common left to keep them together. Despite this, they remained married, possibly out of a sense of obligation or the fear of being alone. Now at the age of 71, Alan is still working as a detective in the Seattle police department, much to the chagrin of his fellow officers; not looking to retire from the castle he built himself and lose its rewards just yet. Though his colleagues show contempt for him, they also know that they must keep a close eye on the old snake, not knowing what underhanded tactics he might use next. In his personal life, Alan's marriage has become nothing more than a formality, with the couple living separate lives under the same roof. It seems that they have given up on trying to fix their relationship, and have instead resigned themselves to a life of unhappiness. With the rise of the Morse Code Killer emerging in the city, with his apparent stellar arrest record on file, Alan was asked by his seniors if he could like to be put on the team tasked with hunting him down. He accepted. Rather than being motivated by a desire to bring the killer to justice, Alan is more focused on the potential fame and glory that catching the killer would bring. With little chance of being further promoted, in fact, he'd be more likely requested to retire soon enough. Alan sees this as an opportunity to further his own reputation and career outside the normal channels that have little wish for him to do so. For Alan, it doesn't matter how this ends, only that it's closed for good- even if it means resorting to his usual questionable methods to get the job done.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]2045 - CENSUS [/COLOR][/SUB] [color=a8a8a8] (Sort Of?) Known Fellon [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]M E M O R I E S[/COLOR][/SUB] [color=a8a8a8][list] [*][b]Captain Sarah Johnson -[/b] Captain Johnson is Alan's direct superior and has worked with him for many years, in the dark about his criminal activities. [*][b]Detective Rachel Jones -[/b] Detective Jones was a member of Alan's former team and has seen firsthand the questionable methods he uses to close cases. [*][b]Officer Tyler Williams -[/b] Officer Williams has worked with Alan on various cases and believes him to be a skilled detective, unaware of his corruption and manipulation. [*][b]Charlotte Williams -[/b] Charlotte is Alan's wife and has been with him for many years, though their marriage has suffered due to Alan's distant and cold demeanour. [*][b]Max Williams -[/b] Max is Alan's son and has always struggled with his father, who's apathy towards their family put much in the way of the two creating bonds as Max grew up. Despite this, he maintains a strained relationship with Alan, unaware of his corruption. [*][b]Attorney Michael Roberts -[/b] Attorney Roberts has worked with and against Alan on several cases and has likely heard many things about him from those she defends. Whatever he's heard or believes, he remains civil but never anything more than that. [*][b]Frank Marino -[/b] Frank is a small-time mobster and a contact of Alan's who is willing to pull off hits or pass along any info he might know, as long as Alan does the same in return. [*][b]Maria Rodriguez -[/b] Maria is a skilled forger, often the one to provide Alan with fake documents he needs to close a case. [*][b]Steve Barrington -[/b] Once a street kid always a street kid. Steve is a notorious thief and one of Alan's newest criminal contact for hire after covering up a past crime scene in good faith, Alan is looking to return the favour somehow. [*][b]Dr. Rachel Kim -[/b] Dr. Kim is a forensic specialist who has dug her own hole, after giving into Alan's corruption and being paid to fabricate evidence for him, while still relatively green at this she's continued to work alongside him- as long as her crimes aren't at risk of being exposed. [/list] [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]O L D - S A M - B R O W N E[/COLOR][/SUB] [color=a8a8a8][list] [*]Alan's old cop badge and ID [*]Smith & Wesson M&P along with its holster [*]One additional clip of ammo [*]Notebook and pen [*]Personal phone [*]Burner [*]Handcuffs [*]Glasses [/list] [/color] [centre][hider=Full-Body Image][img][/img][/hider][/centre] [/hider] For all you criminal and less than perfectly clean characters, I think Alan's whole corruption thing is an easy way to get him to know your characters!