[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2y9dDia.png[/img] Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (57/110) Level 4 Susie - (21/40) - (Holding 1 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Midgar > Detroit [b]Word Count:[/b] 874 [/center] Raiden and Poppi offered Susie their own elements. Having never actually tried a 'dark' element before, Susie chose that soon finding it was essentially a gravity manipulation type element. Very useful for fighting, but not for the proposed 'stealth' that was suggested they partake in. While Susie could fly over on her own and find a place to watch the battlefield, she wasn't much one for stealth. Infiltration? For sure. But outright stealth? She knew her limits and she wasn't going to even bother trying something like that. Once things kicked off, she could just jump onto the battlefield inside her Business suit, causing quite the bit of chaos. With this in mind, Susie waited at the top of a tall crane in the construction site in her business suit, waiting to drop down onto the battlefield when the fighting began. Blazermate meanwhile wanted to try her hand at stealth. She wasn't a stealth based medabot, but it sounded fun! She was nimble in the air, so finding a place to stealth from wasn't an issue. However due to how spread out everyone was, there really wasn't too much she could do unless she worked on the outskirts of the group or placed a distraction... And a distraction she thought of! While staying high around the top of the buldings, she found a side observation platform area and summoned her Engineer spirit who began making his buildings. The "Clank, clank, clank" of his wrench could be heard echoing through the nearby complex, catching the attention of some of the TNT crew. As Blazermate waited above for some to come investigate, a couple of the TNT group decided to investigate the strange, rhythmic clanking sound. Giggling silently to herself, Blazermate got into position to do what that one western anime hero did, getting ready to grab one of them and take them to the sky. And as she thought, two of the fringe TNT crew came to investigate, climbing up the scaffolding stairs to investigate the sound. With one motioning for the other to investigate, one of them gingerly turned the corner to see a red dispenser standing between him, a level 2 sentry gun, and the engineer crouching whacking the gun himself. Around this time a loud explosion could be heard, which Blazermate took as her signal. While this guy was confused at what he was seeing, Blazermate swooped down and grabbed his buddy who had been alerted by the loud explosion, chomping his head in her suffering arm shield as she swooped down and back up into the sky. The other member, hearing the muffled screams of his ally and the explosion behind him, came back out to investigate. And acting out her little reenactment of what she saw on TV, Blazermate dropped the body of the crew member she had bitten at the feet of the other member from her position above as she swooped over. The panicking crew member now on guard with his shotgun all ready, stammering that there was something back here to those around as he looked into the sky for whatever had dropped his buddy. It was around this time that the body of his ally animated into the zombie it had become and leaped at him smelling tasty brains. Blazermate using this distraction to finish that guy off as he was forced to stop searching for her and deal with his now zombified partner. With two zombies under her command, she told her engineer to move his sentry gun to fire more into the open as more gang members advanced on their location, going back to maneuvering through what she could as she told her zombies to make as much noise as possible to lure more over there into sentry gun fire as she made her way towards where the others were and to cover her approach to the frontlines with everyone else. Susie meanwhile just at in her mech bored, spending a bit more time buying and selling much like she did when idle. This was thankfully put to an end as the battle below between two transformed G men and the gang members who made the place a bloodbath began. Seeing her chance, Susie got ready and jumped with her business suit, landing onto the battlefield below with her business suit drill whirring and crushing an unfortunate member who had just fired their gun at the transformed G Men. She then made an excuse to potentially get those transformed G men on her side, since her battle helmet was white and all. [color=ec008c]"How dare you mess with my construction site you hooligans! Take this!"[/color] and Susie fired her new gravity enhanced dark missiles, causing singularities that dragged in anything that got close grouping them for followup. And guarding her cockpit when fired upon, as she had learned. Blazermate meanwhile had taken cover nearby, looking for opportunities to heal that wouldn't get her shot at, at least until she managed to get her projectile shield and could reposition better. At least her zombies and engineer placed sentry near the back of the battlefield would cause some chaos. Although the only ones in a good position for her to heal were Geralt and Giovanna.