[h3]Leon Hyksos[/h3] Badland Heist Interaction: [@AzureKnight] [@PaulHaynek] [@FrogRFlowR] [hr] Thrown in the middle of nowhere convoyed by a magic-powered vehicle with nothing but a map and their wits in their hand. The reavers find themselves inside a damaged industrial complex standing tall in an isolated barren land. This is where their mission begins. To be Mr.Donovan's investigator/hired guns at his factory, solving his stolen goods dilemma against some mysterious bandits. (Confidentially of course). The knife-eared fae followed the group inside the ransack factory, where he observed the inner workings of the daily life of a magitech manufacturer. Nothing out of the usual, just your typical busy laborers trying to repair the damaged factory and whatnot. That moment didn't last long as Leon felt a slight jolt in his mind. Upon touring the insides of Donovan's magical plant, The fae can feel a peering gaze staring at them. He can hear muffled sounds coming from their mouths from a vision. A vivid premonition slips into his brain. Leon's danger sense suddenly triggers, detecting an ill intent against their group. It wasn't major or anything but a concern nevertheless. Being part of a party, The roguish elf has a nagging feeling that he should tell his fellow reavers about his premonition and the small clue he has found. But who? [i]Evelyn? Hmm.. I doubt she'll keep a tight lip. She has the restraint of an unsupervised child.[/i] [i]Astrope? I have a feeling that she'll electrocute him on sight! She seems the confrontal type.[/i] Perhaps the best option is to tell the bard about his findings, He seems like a gentle soul and can keep it to a minimum. Leon looks around and catches up to the bard's phasing. [color=00aeef]"Einer was it? Don't look now but I think we're being watched."[/color] Leon mumbled to Einer within his earshot. [color=00aeef]"I'm gonna hunt them down after this meeting and find what's up. I need you to keep face and keep the others at bay, You think you can cover for me?"[/color] The fae ask Einer with a straight face before the group entered the main office. Without a doubt, Leon is confident enough to put his trust in Einer with this task, He's a bard after all, garnering attention and having an audience is 50% of what they do. [center]~[/center] Leon finally meets the director in charge of this plant, by the looks of things, The reavers caught them in a bad spot. The young man seems upset while discussing the factories' losses with his employees, hoping to keep the recent damage to a minimum. The knife-eared fae noticed that Mr. Josef has been on the edge ever since the reavers got here. The man was on the verge of breaking down due to the unfortunate events happening in this factory. It wouldn't take an esper to read his anxious mind. The poor sap. [quote] [b]”You already know our situation, so we’ll skip that part. Right now we’ve been so focused on repairing the plant and keeping this out of the public eye, we haven’t had time for much else. I can tell you by the entry points and guard casualties, this was done by a team of professionals. Since no word has gotten out about the prototype weapons they stole, we’re thinking their current base of operations is some within the outer badlands At least, we hope… He said, wiping a bit of sweat off his face ”They’ll probably plotting their next move, at least that’s the only reason I can think of as to why they’ve been quiet for the past few days…[/b] - Director Josef [/quote] His story checks out. The info he has given them was kinda vague but still helpful. Transporting that kind of weapon would take time to distribute. [color=00aeef]"Rest assured Mr. Josef, Well handle this with the utmost care. Also, though it's not in my position to give you advice since I'm a workaholic myself, please refrain from drinking too much caffeine. It makes your mind all jumpy." [/color]He said. [color=00aeef]"I'll go on the first watch.." [/color] Leon said nodding to the group, subtlely eyeing Einer about their talk earlier. The half awake fae left the office to spy on these suspicious workers. [center]~[/center] After leaving the group inside the main director's office, The hooded fae did his little investigation on his own, doing what he does best which is: Espionage. Finding out this suspicious employee that triggers his premonition. He was all sneaky about it. Like a shadow wandering in this massive factory. Eventually, he found the suspicious employee without being noticed and was within range to establish a link. [color=00aeef]"Conceptualize blade: splinter."[/color] The hooded fae muttered, envisioning a dagger conjured from his mind. Manifesting it in the material plain. Just as the name suggested, This psionic dagger he envision was barely the size of a tiny needle. It's non-lethal unlike the rest of his ethereal daggers and is mainly used to mark his prey within their thoughts. With a flick of his wrist. This singular invisible needle flies through the air like a dart and cleanly latches to his unsuspecting target. With this tiny surgical incision. The fae rogue can track down his target's thoughts and movements where ever he went.