"Noctis is my friend," began Anne, almost immediately. Not only because of the fact she was genuinely concerned with the state of the young man(she did actually know him, and he had suddenly fainted), but also because this was an excellent way to escape spending any more time with the Prince then absolutely necessary. She didn't need any elaborate excuse, she didn't even need to do anything particularly special. All she had to do was what she already wanted to do, which was make sure that a friend of hers was okay. It was a relief. A true relief that it was this easy to escape a flag. "So, I need to make sure he's okay," she insisted, nodding her head as she did, looking the unconscious boy over. What [i]had[/i] happened to him? She didn't remember anything like this happening in the game. Of course, now that this was all real, things didn't necessarily need to go exactly as they did in Cross Heart Academy. But at the same time, it only stood to reason that knowledge of the game's story could inform her of what could happen. She didn't remember Noctis being sick, or nervous. And when she had spoken with him prior, she didn't remember him behaving like he felt at all unwell in any way. Neither her knowledge of the world as it was now nor her knowledge of the game explained the boy's sudden collapse. Which made it all the more concerning. [@PKMNB0Y][@MagusDream]