[color=67D3D6][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z1WkyYs.png[/img][hr][/center][/color] [color=67D3D6]"Do you need any help?"[/color] That was what Maive had most often repeated to other students. Whenever someone looked like they needed assistance, Maive offered a helping hand. Of course, it resulted in mixed responses. Some students looked at her with emnity. A busy-body getting involved with strangers and being annoying. Some viewed her with distrust, as though she had ulterior motives. Others had been genuinely glad they had someone to help carry a few boxes around. Though, many other students didn't quite remember her name from these interactions. She was often called things like Blondie, Glasses, and Shortcake. Such names didn't bother her, but such names did often lead to weird and awkward back-and-forths. The icebreaker meeting was fairly lackadaisical. Sofia had left extraordinarily quickly and Maive assumed she was just busy. The possibility that Sofia simply didn't want to deal with the group wasn't something she thought about. Maive introduced herself to the others before they had dispersed from their sudden lack of leadership and memorized anyone else who had introduced themselves. If she saw them in or between classes, she would pleasantly greet them. Of course, this was a rare occurrence if they also weren't part of the arts track or lived in the same dorm hall. Her room in the dorm halls was well-organized, but mostly empty. She had little personal amenities besides family pictures and childish handicrafts. The majority of it consisted of basic amenities, stationery given to her by the school, and a keyboard on loan from the school. Even though she was given a living stipend as part of her scholarship, she most often chose not to spend it. This was especially true about things that could be considered as frivolities. One of the few things she bought was a basic first-aid kit. After all, she always wanted to carry one. Though, her idea of a first-aid kit was frightfully modest; it consisted of a tube of antibiotic cream, some bandaids, and some regular soap. Things she individually bought on sale on her first weekend. Once she returned back to her dorm after classes, she usually studied and practiced. As a result, her initial classes were fairly easy outside of the occasional confusion from her rickety foundation of knowledge. Such studying and revision was the life of someone who had not yet joined any extracurricular. While she often got held up helping a stranger or a teacher with something, her initial week at HAGAY had her inundated with time. Nobody to look after, no meals to make, and quite literally one chore that most students would entirely ignore throughout the school year. She couldn't tell if it was pleasant or unpleasant. It was more like something was missing. It came as a surprise when a note had been slipped under her door on an uneventful night. While Maive functioned with little sleep, she wasn't the type to stay awake during ungodly hours. It was early in the morning when she noticed the letter. Was it someone asking for assistance...? A strange way to do so. After finishing her Thursday classes and, like usual, being slowed by helping other people, she prepared to visit the dockhouse. After stuffing her boo-boo kit into her backpack, taking one of her school-issued towels, and grabbing a few water bottles, she followed the winding path down to the dockhouse. Really, she was wondering what all of this was going to be about.