[@Ordsmed] [@Hyyde322] [@Martian] [color=00aeef][b] [h1] [center] Lucile “Lucy” O’Connor [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Lucy didn't seem to notice them discussing where they would be living. At most, she thought they would be living in the truck. While she was hitchhiking, she would be sleeping underneath trees or breaking into cars to sleep in. She seemed more concerned with having a good time. Walking over toward a shooting range, she picked up the gun. Feeling the weight of the BB gun in her hand. Noticing that the ridicule was misaligned, obviously making it easier for the owner to scam people. She took into account where she was standing, and the position of the target in front of her. Using mathematics and probability to make the shot. Pulling the trigger, she was able to shoot all of the targets. Picking out the large pink elephant, and hugging it softly before walking away. The man behind the counter was glaring at Lucy. Noticing Audrey, Asa and Thulie walking around. "[color=00aeef][i]Hello. Look what I won.[/i][/color]" She said proudly showing off the pink elephant she won.