[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] [b]“Cake is fine,”[/b] Polina remarked. [b]“You just need to have the routine to go with it. Macaron?”[/b] As with the girl from earlier, she produced another satin bag of the sweet and offered it to her fellow maid. Whether she took them or not, her attention was soon returned to the demons surrounding them, after a brief check-in on the girl that was still clinging tightly onto her. Given that she didn’t look overly traumatized compared to when she had originally found the girl, she marked off what she was doing so far as a success… although she reasoned that it was probably high time to leave regardless. Making sure to keep away from the headless furnace thing, she launched more debris at it, mostly to just slow it down. When it was joined by a second demon, she split her attention between the two. Polina wasn’t particularly aiming to finish them off, just to keep them indisposed so that she could speak. [b]“Lucrecia, Lyssa, it is time to leave,”[/b] she said evenly, but with a firm enough tone to convey her urgency. She repeated the exact same statement after seeing the latter get clobbered by a second furnace thing. [b]“Unless you would like to be buried by rubble and [i]demons[/i],”[/b] she helpfully added, before snapping off a couple knives at any demon getting too close. [b]“Lucrecia, can you be a dear and pull that demon off her and help her leave? This has gone on for long enough.”[/b]