[quote=@Dynamics] You’re already more than willing. *Explodes the remains of the moon into corrosive prion gas* [/quote] *the prionic gas seems to be temporarily effective to me, but the efects fade away and new flesh repairs the old like stitched together sinew* *my voice sounds layered, as if I'm not the only one talking* [color=f26522]Take as much as you need, great warrior. Rip from me until you've had your fill. Just know that I will take it back... in [i]spades.[/i][/color] *a dark energy rips from my body, creating it's own form* *the entity speaks to you with murderous intent* [i][color=ed1c24]Your flesh.. will be ground to slurry. Your bones...my toothpicks.[/color][/i] Shinji: *weakly stands by the demonic figure, my hand on its arm to hold me steady* Alright, buddy. That there in front of you is an all-you-can-eat buffet. Chow down. Don't use up too much if this flame though, I don't know how long it'll last. *passes a bit of flame to the entity, coating its skin thinly, also doing the same to myself* [img]https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/974/872/png-clipart-demon-anime-on-demand-manga-iconography-demon-manga-fictional-character.png[/img]