[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] [b]“Persistent little monsters, aren’t you?”[/b] Giselle declared to herself, even as she wrote off another hound as dead as it landed off to the wayside. The white-haired vampire had a little less luck with dispatching the antlered creature. The shots from her revolver hadn’t done in the beast, although considering its size, it was not surprising that the weapon didn’t have the stopping power to put it down for good. It was an annoyance, but not something that Giselle couldn’t deal with as the creature wheeled itself back towards her. The head-on profile leant itself towards easy shooting, but she held her fire, instead taking advantage of its inability to quite turn on a dime to dodge the creature at the last moment. Deciding to be a little more proactive, she flipped herself upwards, landing and mounting the antlered beast as she took hold of one of its antlers. Coincidentally, it put herself out of harm’s way of the apparently not dead enough clawed creature and the other meddlesome hounds… but just in the right position for Giselle to swing down at it once more with her silver blade to hack at. She quickly turned her attention back to the beast she was momentarily riding, though, as it would soon realize what she’d done. Changing her grip slightly, she moved to plunge the blade into the back of its skull to end its thrashing and charging for good.