[@Guardian Angel Haruki] "Grace! I hope I've found you in good spirits tonight, child." Mr. Dialtone's cheery voice greeted you from within the receiver. "I need to cash in your Debt. Did you catch the headlines on Awareness Radio earlier? Ol' Edward Farley bein' done wrong by someone in the City Council? Well he ain't about to take that lyin' down. And I can only do so much from in here, so I need somebody to lend a hand from out there. Reckon you could be that somebody?" [@XxFellsingxX] "I doubt lifting prints from those cards would help." Trinity tells you with a shrug. "This looks like the Trader's work. Faeries don't leave fingerprints. Do your thing, Kendra." [@RBYDark] A portal appears in the living room doorway, the music now sounding like it stems from the portal rather than everywhere and nowhere at the same time. After that, it doesn't take long for the musicians to start manifesting. They march into the living room out of thin air, playing their music loud and proud. Once they have all walked through the portal, the musicians sort themselves into two lines that form a walkway between the portal and you. The music then begins to build and build as the sigil of Paimon appears on the surface of the portal. Then, as the music reaches its crescendo, a crowned dromedary camel steps into the living room, the King of the West riding upon its back. The camel moves along the walk way at a relaxed pace as its rider lounges on its back and enjoys the music. As always, King Paimon is as ostentatious as he is beautiful. The camel stops as it reaches you, its arrival coinciding perfectly with the end of the musicians' song. Paimon looks down upon you then and speaks. [color=black][b]"Ni, Paimon, Cin j'ez harl Klith mej Av Ith'mab Egjeth ez Lucifer, glevjixel ao pafrel ilgwej, Mitra Singh!"[/b][/color] The King of the West exclaims in joyous greeting. As always, he arrives speaking in his native language, and will continue to do so until told to speak plain.