[hider=The Tribes Of Kal'Tor - WIP] [center] [h2][b][color=goldenrod]The Undying Tribes of Kal’Tor[/color][/b][/h2] [color=goldenrod]Government Form[/color]: Tribal Dictatorship - The Tribes of Kal’Tor are all bent to the will of Kal’Tor, the supreme leader of the tribes. His word is law and all follow him to death itself if needed. [color=goldenrod]Demographics[/color]: Magic Genasi: Magic Genasi are a subrace of the Genasi humanoids that originally arrived in the Kal plane. The original Genasi were born of the elements but the Magic Genasi have adapted to something different. Magical Energies. The Magic Genasi have learned to absorb the environmental magical energies that permanente the Kol plane. Allowing them to survive in most places on the plane. Their skin colour is in constant change from dark blue to light blue, giving them an almost ethereal appearance. [color=goldenrod]Racial Traits[/color]: [list][*]Pro: Magical Prodigies - The Magic Genasi have learned to bend the magical energies of their plane to their will. [*]Con: They require magic in order to survive outside their plane, otherwise they start dying. [/list] [color=goldenrod]Population[/color]: Stone Age: 5034 --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Plane Description[/color]: The plane of Kal. Many words can be used to describe it. Verdant. There are jungles with plants that shine blue light day and night. Varied. To the south, a big ocean. To the north, a natural bone desert. In the center, plains. Long, almost never ending plains. Full of blue fauna, imbued with magic. One could call Kal a paradise. One would be wrong. The magical growth that can be seen everywhere in the place is not benevolent. Mortals, fauna, plants, everything is affected by it in one way or the other. In most places, you can just feel the magical energies with no harm done but there are certain places where the energies are strong. So strong that they corrupt everything. Slowly killing anything in the area. Those areas are also where the Will-O-Magics can be found when they aren’t wandering around. [color=goldenrod]Plane Traits[/color]:[list][*]Pro - Magical Growth: The plane of Kal is a place of true magic. It runs deep into the world, changing everything that it touches. Anyone who enters the plane will feel the power of the radiant magic. [*]Con - Magical Corruption: Certain places on the plane are oversaturated by magic. Nothing grows into such places and living creatures slowly succumb to the corruption, making them uninhabitable and extremely dangerous, especially as they are slowly expanding. [*]Con - Will-O-Magics: All over the plane, tiny creatures made of pure magic can appear. Called Will-O-Magic or Wisps, these creatures are extremely dangerous. A single touch from one of them will cause exhaustion, multiple touches means certain death. [/list] [color=goldenrod]History[/color]: [sub](What happened after you landed on your new plane of existence? This can be as brief or detailed as you like.)[/sub] [color=goldenrod]Culture and Society[/color]: The Tribes of Kal’Tor are living based on a caste system with Kal at the top as their leader. The highest caste is composed of those most loyal to Kal and then the list goes down to the lowest caste which are nothing more than slaves even if not in name. That is not to say that one cannot change their caste. Through hard work and displays of loyalty a member of any caste can climb up the ranks and eventually belong to a new caste. Members of a caste will share everything between each other. Food, shelter, water. All the resources of a caste are to be split between one another. Higher castes have more rights than lower ones to the point where the life of a lower caste means nothing to the higher one. Members of higher castes have full control of the members of the lower ones. Above all the castes, rests one man. Kal’Tor. Leader of the castes and the one who all bow down to. Believed to be undying by all. [color=goldenrod]Culture Traits[/color]: [list][*]Pro: Undying Loyalty - Members of Kal’Tor tribes will do anything for their leader even if it means certain death. [*]Con: Caste System - The caste system promotes inequality and distrust between members. [*]Con: Slaves - The lowest of the castes are slaves in all but name. Their time will come one day. The time for revolution. [/list] [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Governance and Politics[/color]: Kal’Tor is the supreme leader of the tribes named after himself. The best food, women, lodgings and clothes are for him. All of the tribes, which he united himself, follow any and all “laws” he decrees. In order for a law to be changed, each caste is united under a leader chosen by Kal’Tor. The leaders of the castes meet and discuss the law that needs to be introduced or changed. If the law is deemed important enough then it’s presented to Kal’Tor who may or may not put it in place. There is no formal religion between the tribes but there is a common belief that there are no Gods anymore and the Genasi are the only sentient creatures. [color=goldenrod]Technology and Magic[/color]: [list][*]Pro: Medium Magical Development - The Tribes of Kal’Tor have learned the most powerful, in their opinion, magic type there is. The magic of Will. Channelling the Will that resides in any sentient creature, they can go in a fight between the Wills of one another. The Genasi with the strongest Will can dominate the others, bending them to their Will. A fight between Genasi usually takes place in their mind more than outside of it. Mind talk, mind paintings are also possible via the magic of Will. [*]Con: Very Basic Fishing/Boating - The Tribes of Kal’Tar don’t have access to big rivers or large bodies of water nor do they have any interest in fishing/boating. As such, they never developed the basic tech needed to fish or float. [*]Con: Very Basic Warfare - Never needing to fight between each other left the Tribes weak in case of attack. Their usage of Will to control those of a weaker caste was their primary focus. [/list] [color=goldenrod]Military Overview[/color]: There is little to no military between the Tribes. The Willists are the only ones that can be used to defend the tribes in case of attack. [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Additional Info[/color]: [sub](Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there. Little factoids about your nation are both amusing and welcome. Include a theme song if you want)[/sub] [/hider]