[b]Name:[/b] Harivence Pineway (Harry) [b]Gender:[/b] Non-Binary (He/they) [b]Age:[/b] Looks human age of 27. [b]Species:[/b] Royal Forest Elf. [b]Looks:[/b] Stands at around 6' in height, scruffy green hair that doesn't go past the ears (Think messy Pixie cut?) Slightly tanned skin, white freckles on most of their body; mainly across their nose and cheeks, a few down their neck and on their arms and legs. Oak brown eyes. Dresses in more casual clothes; when working had labcoat on but only inside a lab area, otherwise he's wearing his tshirts, cargo pants and occasionally a 'harness' like apparatus that acts like Suspenders. As an elf he's mainly humanoid, the normal elongated ears; but he also has a thin prehensile tail- Similar to a monkeys in terms of flexability and length, but it finishes in a small tuft of hair. [b]Personality:[/b] For the most part Harry keeps to themselves, being kept as a subject for the labs that he now works for. They are naturally curious and is always the first to dive into any unknown area. Adores nature and animals, loves to climb things and be up high, but [i]hates[/i] falling. [b]Powers/Ability[/b] - General control over plants - Animal communication