[hider=Important figures for Kahet-Fera (Wip)] [hider=Shaman Seer/Vizier Droka] Name: Droka Faction : Kahet-Fera Rank/Role: Shaman Seer/Vizier Appearance: [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/0/0f/Fatespinner.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20170810202305[/img] Born into the Seer cast, in any other part of the Nerubian Empire Droka would have simply been another arcane user or webweaver who rarely, if ever, saw the light of day. However, due to his birth and childhood in Kahet-Fera he had a somewhat closer relationship to the world above. This resulted in developing a connection to the elements and nature, causing the young Shaman to prefer an attire that better represents their connection to the elements. The true symbol of Droka's connection to the elements rests in the specially designed [url=https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1059539]lantern he carries.[/url] The lantern itself is made out of metal (representing earth) while the bottom container is filled with water (speaks for itself). The top compartment burns with an ever present flame while the air and wind is free to flow through it. Personality: Droka is a young Nerubian who is in his mid 30's... considered a young adult or even a child by his people's standards. He was too young to march to war against the Scourge and was left to study under the elders who were too old to go as well. Now the Elders are dying of natural causes and Droka has been thrust into a position of authority that he never expected to hold due to a lack of any better candidates. As such, personality wise... Droka is inexperienced and painfully aware of the state that his people are in, even if the personal tragedy of it all is second hand. Despite being thrust into a position that he knows he isn't prepared for, Droka is striving to make the most of the situation... preferably without causing too much harm in the process. Even if this requires making some personal sacrifices. Biography: Tagged for the Seer caste from the moment he was born, Droka wasn't viewed with much in the way of interest by his mentors for quite a few years. He was clearly smart enough to understand the subject matter, but when it came to studies of the arcane he tended to drift off in a rather noticeable manner. He also had a habit of disappearing the moment that he was out of sight of those meant to be keeping an eye on the young ones, heading towards the surface in order to bask in the light of the sun and witness the bounties of the world under sky. It didn't take many of these little escapades before the Seer in change of Droka's education decided to reach out to the Shaman Seers in order to hand them a student more likely to take to their teachings. Powers and other Abilities (what are they capable of?): [/hider] [hider=My Hider] Name: Faction (if applicable): Kahet-Fera Rank/Role (What's their 'job' in the faction they play a part in?): Appearance (images welcome, text description required): Personality (especially important for noncanon characters, but also for canon characters, so I can grasp how you'll play them): Biography (at least since PoD, if canon): Powers and other Abilities (what are they capable of?): [/hider] [hider=My Hider] Name: Faction (if applicable): Kahet-Fera Rank/Role (What's their 'job' in the faction they play a part in?): Appearance (images welcome, text description required): Personality (especially important for noncanon characters, but also for canon characters, so I can grasp how you'll play them): Biography (at least since PoD, if canon): Powers and other Abilities (what are they capable of?): [/hider] [/hider]