[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/973369599875772447/1049458231208054794/Oh_god_Justice.png[/img][/center]heroically addressing: [@Lemons]Kayo, [@Feyblue]Izuna[hr][hr] [color=yellow]"After you, Nishikiyama-san."[/color] Justice returns Izuna's grin with one of his own, quickly falling in step with the group as they made their way into the auditorium. He had to hold back a chuckle at the sudden flash and dim of the fishy student's bioluminesence spots. While he thought it was a little cute, it didn't take a genius to figuree that she seemed a bit anxious right now and making a comment about them might not be the best thing to do right now. She was already half-way into becoming a fish popsicle after all. [color=yellow]"Oh, I'm a local, born and raised."[/color] Justice's response is follwed by a quick glance back to Kayo, looking the shorter student over with some curiosity. She seemed to be a happy go lucky sort, given how much she was smiling. She also must not have been used to the snow, given she seemed to have an errant twitch on her face every now and then. Justice wonders, briefly, if her Quirk had anything to do with her serpentine eyes, given they seemed to be the most visually striking aspect of her appearance, which was a common trait among certain quirk types.Not that it could really tell him much, of course. [color=yellow]"The cold honestly isn't too bad, all things considered. A few months here and you'll probably barely even notice it. And if not, I could try to find make some warmer stuff for you if you'd like. I'm a bit of a hobby tailor, after all, and I think I have a good idea for fashion and outfits."[/color]