The intense cold that struck at the creature’s core was rather immediately effective against it. Its scream this time seemed to be one of pain. It stumbled forward, half-collapsing in front of J’eon. Even without eyes, the way its body shifted towards him felt like it was glaring down upon the Glen. From the start, Kareet had not wanted to get involved in a fight, but now that she was committed to being here, it was her training that quickly took over. It was easy to identify the exceptionally quick, and equally precise movements of a trained war caster. She could manage to mix in spellcasting seamlessly into swings, parries, or in this case, a throw. As she reared her hammer back, she moved two fingers along its haft at just the right angle and speed to imbue it with an electric charge. The hammer came flying in, magnetically guided and accelerated, over the Glen to slam straight into the front of the creature’s head. The hard, sharp mandibles had been frozen to the point of becoming brittle, and so the one the hammer struck shattered upon impact, followed by a discharge of lightning all down its head and neck. The electricity only heated small, concentrated areas, but in the places it affected, it seemed the otherwise tough hide did not fare well through such rapid swings between cooling and heating. The hide actually appeared to be [i]cracking[/i] in places. “Hit it hard, all together!” Kareet shouted as her hammer flew back into her hand. The creature, however, would not be stunned forever. With as massive as it was, J’eon’s spell had only affected part of its body so far, and the Glen had not yet ran, so he was still within its reach. With a roar, it made a powerful backhanded swing of its massive arm straight at J’eon.